(27) Eloping,Aruba&Miscarriage

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Two weeks later,

The plan was a big wedding in Central Park, but when nobody wanted to be in it they decided to elope. 

"James?" James said when he knocked on the bathroom door. 

Bucky was puking, "Just a second.." he said 

He sat in the floor, as he wiped tears. He finally got up and opened the door. 

"Son, this isn't love." James said 

"Im going through with this." He said as he wiped his face then walked away. 

After they got married, they stayed at the Four Seasons for their honeymoon. After they consumated their marriage Yelena fell asleep. Bucky was scrolling through his facebook when he saw that the crew was in Aruba and then he saw Addie and Jermaine kissing in one of the photos. 

He locked his phone and went to sleep. The crew was having a blast in Aruba as they enjoyed their last hurrah together. The next morning Bucky woke up to Yelena screaming in the bathroom he went running and saw blood on the floor and running down her legs. 

"I'll get you to the ER." He said as he quickly dressed them both. 

He rushed her to the hospital, and they confirmed that she had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. The doctor also asked a bunch of questions, and confirmed it was due to stress. 

Natalia inform her Natasha, and she told the crew. 

"Karma.." Addie said 

"She's real bitch." Wanda said as she scrunched her nose a little. 

"Amen sista!" Addie said as they tapped their cups. 

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