(16) What's Best For Me?

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Three days later,

"Okay honey, call me when you are done. I have to run to the grocery store." Susie said as she dropped off Addie at her OB/Gyn appointment.

"Okay mom." She said as she closed the car door. 

When it was Addie's turn, the nurse came in with her OB.

"We can't adminster your birth control." Dr Jenkins said 

"Why not?" She said 

"Because you are pregnant..haven't you noticed a late period.." Dr Jenkins said as she got the ultrasound ready. 

"But I had a period it was light and spotty.." she said as she laid back. 

Dr Jenkins began the ultrasound, "That implantation bleeding Addie. You are almost 10 weeks along.." Dr Jenkins said 

A tear fell down, she got pregnant by Bucky. A few days later she went to see her big sister Hayley. She confided in her sister about the pregnancy and what she wanted. 

"Don't you think that is a bit drastic Adds. Come on lets go somewhere." She said 

Hayley took her sister to her husband's office. He is also an OB he gave her a better ultrasound and let her hear the heartbeat. 

"I will help you talk to mom and dad." Hayley said 

"I don't want this baby Hay." She said 

She got the appointment set up, Hayley tried for two weeks to covince her to change her mind. She even tried to when they were in the waiting room.

"Are you sure about this Adds, we can leave right now and talk to mom." Hayley said 

"I'm sure. He doesn't love me and I want 0 ties to him and I just want our story to be deleted forever. He cheated Hayley.." she said 

"Okay." Hayley said 

"Addilyn Burke." A nurse said 

Addie walked to nurse, and her sister went with her to hold her hand. A few days later when she came home she hid the paperwork in the bottom of her desk drawer. 

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