(8) Spring Break in Florida

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The next morning the whole crew and their parents all take off from JFK airport to Orlando Florida. 

When they arrive they get checked in at the Four Seasons Orlando Disney Resort. The parents were allowing the young couples to share rooms. Yelena was the only one who didn't have room mate. 

"Boys we are trusting you all to be smart and use condoms." Joe said as he passed out the keys. 

"Yeah yeah." The boys said in unison. 

Yelena texted Bucky her room #, he replied "Im not sure Lena I have to be good but we will see what happens." 

Yelena replied with a thumbs up. 

Once they all got settled in their rooms, they all had dinner together. The next day they all heades to Disneyworld for the first day. On the second day they went to Universal Studios.

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