(9) Missing&Her First Time

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A week later,

Everyone decided to go back to Disney World to do the things they didn't get to before. They rode rides, ate tons of food, bought souvenirs at the different shops and took several selfies and group pics.

When it was getting dark they made their way to Cinderella's Castle for the fireworks. Pietro nervously turned to Marley, stood in front of her and grabbed her hands. "Marley Joanna Gray, I can't tell you how much you mean to me. You came into my life like a breath of fresh air. Your smile warms my heart, your laugh is absolutely adorable, you're super intelligent, fun and the ultimate dream girl for a lot of guys, but especially for me. I know that we've only been together for six months and are super young, but I know what I feel in my heart. And that is that I'm in love with you."

Marley gasped as tears welled in her eyes.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box and opened it. He took a deep breath then said, "So here and now in front of everyone, but most of all the people we love, I'm making this promise to you. A promise that I will love you always. A promise that I'll be true to you only. And most of all, I promise to make you my wife in the future. So Marley baby will you accept this ring in place of the engagement ring that will be in it's place later?"

Marley threw herself into his arms as tears streamed down her face. Once she pulled away slightly, she kissed him with so much passion that both of them could feel the intensity flow through their bodies.

She pulled away again, smiled her brightest smile and replied, "Yes Pietro I will! I'm in love with you too! Oh gosh I'm so happy because I've felt like that for months and wanted to tell you, but I was scared it was too soon."

Pietro smiled brightly as he said, "Naw it wasn't too soon because I felt it too. When I told my dad how I felt about you, he said there's no time limit on love. And that when you know you know. He said he fell in love with my mom at first sight when they were thirteen so I think we have them beat a little on the time frame."

They both giggled while the whole crew awwed and sighed lovingly. Everyone was happy, but Yelena. She put her head down to try to hide her tears. The guys gathered around Pietro to congratulate him while the girls surrounded Marley to gush over her new promise ring. Yelena tried to act like she was happy for them, but it was killing her inside because she remembered the day they broke up he said he was getting ready to give her a promise ring. It dawned on her that if she hadn't messed up, that would've been her instead of Marley. And that she wouldn't have been the only one on the trip without a significant other. That night after everyone returned to the resort, Yelena quietly went to her room where she cried in the shower then again in her bed as Pietro took Marley's virginity in their room. He spent the rest of their special night making sweet love to her. They fell even more blissfully in love after giving themselves to each other completely.

The next day, the crew was getting ready to head to brunch. All the girls, but Yelena met early so that Marley could tell them what happened the night before. Yelena didn't bother going and told them she was still getting dressed when in actuality she didn't want to hear about the woman who stole Pietro's heart.

When she finally decided to leave, she stepped out of her room and overheard the guys talking to Pietro in the hallway. She stood behind her doorway to listen.

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