(11) Burn Party!

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Addie woke up to Bucky calling her. She hit ignore then put her phone down. She heard her phone chime with a voicemail and then minutes later a notification indicating she received several text messages.

She didn't bother looking at her phone because she knew who it was. Instead she got out of bed, showered, got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Cliff and Susie watched her push the food around the plate after taking a few bites and swallowing a few sips of juice. She looked down when she felt her phone vibrate. She saw another text message from Bucky. She sighed and finally looked up at her parents.

"Daddy can we go right now to At&t to change my phone number?" Addie asked softly. Susie and Cliff looked at their daughter in surprise.

"Adds honey why do you want to change your number?" Cliff asked.

Addie unlocked her phone then slid it over to them showing how many calls, text messages and voicemails Bucky had left.

Susie understood, nodded then said, "He won't leave you alone will he?" Addie shook her head no.

"Ok babygirl we will go now," Cliff replied.

"Thank you," she whispered while wiping tears.

The three of them went to the At&t store and changed her number. Cliff paid for it along with a new apple watch for her. That was the first time he saw his daughter smile since the whole cheating fiasco came out. They went home, finished unpacking, did laundry, ate dinner and then laid down for the night.

Before going to sleep, Addie texted Nat and Steve her new number and told them to give it to the crew, but to make sure Bucky nor Yelena gets her new number because Bucky won't leave her alone which is why she had it changed. After that she turned her phone on silent and rolled over to sleep.

The crew had made it home earlier that afternoon and thought something had happened to Addie until she texted Nat with her new number. Nat stayed with Steve because she didn't want to be around Yelena. Yelena cried in the shower and sat on the floor until the water turned cold. She dressed in her pajamas then got in bed to try to sleep.

Once Bucky got home, he solemnly and quietly walked to his room. He stripped out of his clothes and stepped in the shower. He stood there under the spray reflecting on what happened in the last forty eight hours. Her face when she caught them and figured everything out kept replaying in his mind.

He braced himself against the wall as he cried. Even though he knew he had feelings for Yelena he couldn't shake off what his mom and dad told him. He finally got out, put on some boxers and tried to sleep. He tossed and turned all night. He finally fell asleep after crying for hours.

The next day, Addie woke up with a headache, puffy eyes and cracked lips due to crying all night. She noticed on her nightstand a glass of water, some Tylenol and her favorite chocolate.

She shook her head as she smiled and said, "Mama..."

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