(23) Her New Name

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1 month later,

Nolan Steinfield came iñto the football locker room before practice. 

"Hey Nolan you are running late.." Darrin Jones said 

Nolan opened his locker, "Yeah I know I had deal with something." He said 

"Sugar Tits?" Darrin said 

"Yup." He said 

Bucky's locker was close by so he could heard the two seniors. 

"How's the pregnancy going?" Darrin said 

Nolan looked down, "Its not going anymore.." he said 

"She isn't pregnant it was a false alarm?" Darrin said 

"She had a miscarriage D.." he said 

"Oh sorry but thats a good thing man. You don't need added stress of a baby or Sugar Tits as a babymama." Darrin said 

Bucky closed his locket, and found his cousin Brighton. "Hey B..who is sugar tits?" He said in a low tone. 

Brighton gave him a look, "Its what the football team calls Addie Buck." Brighton said 

"So all this time, when they are talking about how good Sugar Tits is in bed they are talking about her..even you?" He said 

"Buck Im sorry I.." Brighton said 

"My own fucking blood!" Bucky yelled as he punched a locker. 

He grabbed his helmet and walked out carrying his pads to the field. He wiped tears as he put them on. He walked over to coach. 

"Coach I want to play defense." He said 

"Barnes you are my best QB..my best Jv offense player." Coach said 

"I know, but I have played defense before in elementary school. I need to tackle something." He said 

"We will see how today goes okay? Just calm down." Coach said 

Meanwhile, Addie used tinder to find herself a date. She ended up having a meet up with another girl and they hooked up. Addie found herself enjoying sex with both genders and decided she needed more threesomes in her life. 

Bucky proved to coach that he could play both sides. That night Bucky cried in the shower as he sat against the wall. He even contemplated suicide as he let the water run till it was cold. 

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