(32) College Graduation Party&More Drama

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Text Conversation*

Addie: Hey party people! Can't wait to see you, but apparently it will be longer than I thought. My plane just got delayed an hour 🙄. That means I'll probably be an 45 minutes- hr late to the party 😒

Wanda: That's ok we will save you a seat at our table. 😁💕

Addie: Ok see you guys soon! 😘

Nat: 😘👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻





Dawson: 😏








Clint: 👍🏻

*End of Text Conversation*

45 minutes after the party started...

Addie arrived just as they announced all the schools the kids would be attending for graduate school and Nat & Steve's pregnancy with twins. Yelena chose to stay quiet about her pregnancy because of the miscarriages. Addie didn't tell anyone except for the crew and her parents about Brown so it wasn't announced.

They ate dinner, laughed and talked. It was like high school all over again. Addie greeted her parents with hugs and kisses. She also told them that she made the decision to attend Brown's nursing school with Nat, Wanda, Paige and Loren. That she already secured a place to live and that her neighbors would be Steve and Nat. They told her that they were happy for her and glad she was going to be a little bit closer.

Addie's family and parents of the others come over to talk to her and to congratulate those at the table.

Mildred, Addie's paternal grandmother looked at Addie in disgust then said, "Addelyn Lindsey, what are you wearing?"

"Hello to you too Grandma and it's called a dress," Addie replied rolling her eyes.

"Addie you look gorgeous my darling," Winnie replied with a smile.

Everyone co-signed and hummed in agreement.

Addie smiles brightly, "Aww thank you Aunt Winnie as do you as always," Addie replied.

Mildred scoffed and said, "Well I think you look like a hussy. Anyway when are you going to be like your best friends?"

"What are you talking about Gram?" Addie said getting annoyed already.

"Getting married and having kids?" Mildred retorted.

Addie sighed then said, "Grandma I already told you I'm not. Marriage and kids are not for everybody, but I will be there to spoil my nieces and/or nephews," as she touched Nat's belly.

"What do you mean?" Mildred questioned.

Addie smirked then replied, "Well you see it's not just Nat and Wanda who will be attending Brown University's Nursing school this fall while Steve and Sam are attending Warren Alpert Medical School."

Mildred held a shocked face, "You got into Brown's Nursing school?"

Addie laughed as she said, "Why are you surprised? Just because I embrace being single and party doesn't mean I don't do my school work. I still have a 4.5 GPA and got into all the best nursing schools in the country. It just so happens that me and my 4 best friends decided to go to nursing and medical together since I went to USC. Plus you forgot I graduated high school with honors and was Valedictorian with a 4.6 GPA."

Buck swallowed hard and then looked down. He thought about when he, Sam and Steve all said they wanted to attend college together with the girls and then attend medical school together while the girls attended nursing school together near them.

"Well that's good to know, but if you weren't dressed like a streetwalker, partying and being a harlot, you would probably have a husband and be pregnant with a baby by now," Mildred huffed.

"Seriously Mom just stop please," Cliff said getting annoyed at his mother's antics.

Addie rolled her eyes.

"You used to want to get married and have kids too. What happened Addelyn?" Mildred pressed.

Buck swallowed hard and looked down again.

"People change Grandma. Like I said commitment isn't for me and I'm done with the thought of having kids especially after the abortion," Addie responded.

Addie made a face knowing she slipped up. Buck's head snapped up immediately, Steve choked on his water while everyone else looked at her in shock.

"Abortion? What abortion?" Mildred inquired.

Steve, Nat, Susie, Cliff, Hayley and Stewart all looked at Addie because they were the only ones that knew.

Addie sighed bored.

"Addelyn Lindsey! What abortion?" Mildred yelled with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

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