(60) Can't Shake You

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A year later,

"Damn it.." he whispered as he couldn't tie his bow tie because his hands were shaking so bad. 

"James son calm down." James said

There was a knock at the door, Steve opened it. "Nat.." he said 

"I came here..because.." she said as she handed Bucky a gift bag. 

Bucky's eyes welled up with tears, as his hands shook as he took it. When he pulled out the tissue paper to reveal a bunch of jewelry boxes he opened up the smallest one first to reveal silver black and diamond cufflinks, in another box was silver and black bracelets and lastly a silver black and diamond studded watch. On the back of the watch was engraved "To my love on our special day-Love Addie"

He let out a sigh of relief, "Son..whats the matter?" James said 

"I'm scared she isn't going to come down the aisle." Bucky said 

"Believe me Buchanan she'll be there." Cliff said as James fixed Bucky's cufflinks and bow tie. 

An hour later, everyone was gathered at the ceremony. Steve was Bucky's best man while Nat was her matron of honor. When Cliff began to walk her down tears flowed from Bucky's eyes. 

She had on all of his wedding gifts, pink diamond crown, a pink diamond bracelet, pink diamond necklace and earrings. Cliff gave her away, and Bucky lifted her veil as she wiped his tears. 

When it was time for vows, the minister said "Addilyn you get to go first." 

 Nat handed Addie her vows then smiled with tears in her eyes. Addie smiled back, took a breath and turned to face Bucky again.


My love. Wow our journey has truly had it's ups and downs. We truly had to fall completely apart in order to come back together. After you broke my heart I tried to love again, but I ended up getting hurt so I chose to stay single. After going wild for a while, I met someone who put me back together.

After losing him, I literally felt myself dying from a broken heart, but then I heard a voice telling me to come back. That I was loved, wanted and needed. That voice that I heard was yours. James you literally brought me back to life. You begged me to fight for myself, our friends, family and my babies.

When I woke up I couldn't believe everything that everyone said. How you took care of me and my babies without hesitation. You made me your priority and there wasn't a day that I didn't see your face when I was in the hospital. My kids grew attached to you and eventually loved you.

After you brought us home I saw what everyone was saying. You had truly changed and become the man I always wanted to love and to have. You have taken care of my babies like they were your own. They've grown to live you as much as I do.

Going with you to therapy was the best thing I could've ever done because there we learned to forgive, to communicate, to listen, to be friends and eventually to fall in love again.

When Ash and Lele called me Mom for the first time my heart felt overjoyed. They love, protect and cherish me like I was the one to give them life and they have become mine as well. Watching you be a father to our kids is the most beautiful and rewarding thing I've ever had to witness. It was like it was written because the joining of our family was so easy.

I promise to continue to be there for you, to listen, to comfort you, to love you the way you need to be loved, to honor our relationship, be true, faithful and to love you unconditionally.

Thank you for loving me through all of my grief, my pain and my mistakes. For forgiving me and becoming my second chance at being in love. I'm so in love with you James Buchanan. I'm so happy with you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my days in your arms."

Bucky wiped his tears, took a breath, took his vows from Steve then started to read his vows.


My darling and the love of my life. You will never know how grateful and humbled I feel to have you back in my life. You have always been the best part of me, but now that's the truth more than ever. Losing you was my biggest mistake and regret, but also my biggest lesson.

It made me find who I am, who I wanted to be and most of all helped me to grow. So losing you was meant to happen because it forced me to heal and to learn to love myself and you the way you deserve. I'm so grateful God gave didn't let me succeed with ending my life because now I have everything I ever wanted.

Thank you for not taking it easy on me, but also beyond empathetic after I revealed myself completely to you. There are days I still feel like I don't deserve you, but you always reassure me that you love me and have forgiven me.

What makes me love you so much more is how you love and treat Ash and Alena. Watching my son transform into the young man that he is I know has a lot to do with you. You're there for him and Alena. You spend time with them separately according to their interests. He told me you're the mom he always wanted and needed.

After hearing that, there was no doubt in my mind that you are the woman for me. You've accepted my flaws, faults and mistakes. You've forgiven me for the very hurtful things I did and said to you. Sometimes I wake up to see if I'm dreaming, but I'm in not.

I'm madly in love with you Addelyn Lindsey. You are the air I breathe and the thing that keeps me going. You are the love of my life and today and forever I promise to be any and everything you need me to be. I promise to continue to me loyal, faithful, honest, true and vulnerable with you. You and our family are my number priority and I can't wait to grow old together like we grew up together."

They exchanged rings, and kissed at the end. 

Their first dance song wasn't your typical wedding song, they chose "Can't Shake You." By Gloriana 

She chose "Daddy" by Beyonce for her father/daughter dance, and he danced with Winnie to "Perfect Fan." By the Backstreet Boys. 

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