(25) Their Baby&His Unhappiness

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1 month later,

Yelena went into labor on June 1st, and after eighteen long hours of labor. She was rushed into an OR cause their son was stuck in her birth canal. Thirty minutes later, their son "Asher Dean James Barnes" was born he was 8lbs and 8oz. 

"Just like dear ol dad.." James said when he held him. 

Yelena smiled, "Our youngest and biggest baby..but luckily I was able to push him out cause I waz pro by the time he came along." Winnie said 

"Yeah you were.." James said as he let her hold their grandson.

"Looks just like you James Buchanan.." she said 

Bucky forced a fake smile, after they left with Yelena's parents. Nobody else came by to visit them even though they heard she had their son. The crew had dinner at the local diner before heading to a summer bonfire. 

Yelena had fallen asleep, Bucky stayed awake as he held Asher. He rocked him as he daydreamed about how he wished it was Addie and not Yelena. He was snapped out of his thougbts when Asher began to get fussy, the nurse brought him a bottle he fed him and changed him. Asher snuggled into his chest before falling back asleep. 

Bucky laid down on the cot the hospital gave him with Asher on his chest and fell asleep. As more dreams of the life he wanted with Addie. 

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