(39) Addie Meets Ashlin

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1 month later,

Addie joined the crew at a Lounge Bar on one of her nights off, when she arrived there was someone there she didn't know. 

"Addie this a colleague of mine and Scott's Dr Ashlin Mcraffrey." Clint said 

"This our very hot best friend Addilyn Burke." Bobbi said 

"Bobs.." Addie said as she sat down beside Ashlin. 

"Well she isn't wrong on the hot part gorgeous." Ashlin said 

She blushed, and said "Thank you." 

They instantly clicked, and hit it off all night. He had her blushing and giggling all night the crew couldn't help but see old glimpses of the old Addie. She and Ashlin exchanged numbers and agreed to go on a date. 

Two weeks later, when they finally had the same night off again they had their first date. He took her to Ocean Prime NYC. All night he was affectionate, he fed her they shared dessert as well. When he took her home, he walked her to the door. They shared a steamy passionate good night kiss. 

"Call you in the morning princess." He whispered

"Okay." She whispered 

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