(31) Renovations,Discoveries&Another Pregnancy

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2 years later,

It the end of their senior year of Undergrad, Cliff and Susie had decided to make renovations to the inside of their house. They were now empty nesters, and wanted to make it more grandkid friendly and make their kids old bedrooms into more of guest bedrooms.

The last room they were worked on was Addie's, they were in the middle of cleaning out her desk. When Susie pulled out a packet of paper from a abortion clinic in Boston. 

"Cliff..I didn't sign off on this. This is right after she and James broke up. She never told me.." Susie said 

Cliff took the paper work and read over it. "Hayley must know something this is during the time they lived in Boston." Cliff said 

"Why would Addie not tell us she was in trouble. Why just..and...not tell anyone." Susie said as she started to cry. 

"Dollface don't cry.." he said as he held her. 

"We need to tell Winnie and James." Susie said as she wiped her face. 

"Now might not be the best time..but we will." He said as he kissed her. 

Meanwhile, Bucky is sitting silently staring at a wall after Yelena told him she was pregnant again. He was trying to figure out how to balance medical school and their son and another baby. While the crew was in the middle of a video chat with Addie where she announced she would be moving back east coast to attend Brown University's medical school. 

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