(58) Never Felt Like This

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A month later..

Bucky was finally able to take Addie out after asking Winnie and Susie to watch the kids for the weekend. Between taking care of the kids, Buck's work schedule and Asher's games, they haven't gotten a chance to go out since their night in Manhattan.

Bucky made reservations for them at The Seafire Grill. Once again as Addie stepped into Bucky's view he felt like his heart stopped. He always found her gorgeous, but between her new super curvy mom body, her tattoos and her piercings, he was more attracted to her than ever. He assumed it was because she had this bad girl side of her, but then was also a romantic shy nerd. He kissed her as he greeted her.

"You look gorgeous baby doll," he said smiling hard.

"Thank you and you look great too," she said smiling back.

He handed her another huge bouquet of pink roses which all she could do was shake her head and put them into water. Once getting to the restaurant, they once again packed on the PDA, flirting, laughing and talking.

Bucky was quiet on the way home and Addie was a little concerned. Once they went into Bucky's bedroom which had become theirs, she grabbed his hand to get his attention.

"Buck hey what's the matter? You've been really quiet since we left the restaurant," she said.

Bucky looked at her and swallowed hard. Addie could see tears welling in his eyes.

She caressed his face and said, "Hey you know you can tell me anything."

Bucky nodded, swallowed hard then grabbed both her hands in his.

"Adds you know that I told you that I love you, but it's beyond that now. I'm crazily and head over heels in love with you. I know that I am because I asked my parents how it feels. They asked me questions that would tell them. They confirmed that I'm truly in love with you because of my answers. And they said everything that I've done from the day I saw you unconscious on the ground at the hospital I've done selflessly. That I care more about your happiness than my own and that I would lay down my life for you without a second thought," he said staring in her beautiful eyes through tears.

Addie smiled as she said, "I love you too James."

Bucky's eyes went wide as he stuttered, "Y-You d-do?"

Addie nodded and said, "Very much."

Bucky grabbed her face and kissed her so intensely they both could feel the tingles down their bodies all the way to their toes. They both moaned into the kiss. Bucky pulled away before it got too intense.

"Mmm Adds baby, we need to stop," Bucky said.

"We don't," Addie whispered.

Bucky looked at her confused.

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