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Author's POV:

"Hyung! When are you going to show me my gift?" A certain raven-haired boy whined, clinging tightly to his hyung's arm. His dark eyes sparkled with anticipation, his pouty lips forming a perfect picture of impatience.

"When you stop acting like a four-year-old," Taehyung replied sassily, his eyes dancing with mischief.

Jungkook huffed dramatically and hopped onto the bed, crossing his legs and folding his arms. A huge pout adorned his pink lips. "You know what? I won't talk to you now," he declared, trying to sound resolute but only managing to look more adorable.

Taehyung couldn't help but internally coo at his adorable bunny, who was getting all worked up about his birthday present. Even though his birthday was still two weeks away, he couldn't wait. 'Impatient bunny,' Taehyung thought with a fond chuckle, his heart swelling with affection.

"Kook, it's still pretty unconvincing that you're an Alpha," Taehyung teased, a playful glint in his eyes."I'm not talking to you, but a little correction is needed here. I am not an Alpha!" Jungkook retorted, lifting his chin defiantly.

"You're not an Alpha? Ohhh, let me remember your rank," Taehyung said, feigning deep thought. "Got it. You're a Baby Alpha!"

"Hyungg~" Jungkook whined, his voice dragging out the syllable in a petulant tone."What?" Taehyung tried to act oblivious, his lips twitching as he fought back a smile.

"You know I hate it when you all call me baby. Besides, I'm going to be eighteen soon, and that means I will recognize my mate. Then I'll be the one babying him or her," Jungkook said dreamily, his eyes glazing over with the thought of his future mate.

"Get out of your imagination, Kook. It's not good in there," Taehyung said, shaking his head in amusement.

"You're just jealous, hyungie, because it's been two years and you still can't find your mate. Sucks to be you," Jungkook poked his tongue out, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.

"Well, don't be so sure yet. You never know, your mate could be some oldie who can't walk on his own. Or what about someone whose breath stinks?" Taehyung smirked triumphantly when he saw the worried look on Jungkook's face.

"No, it can't be possible, right? The Moon Goddess would never do this to me!" Jungkook's voice was small, a hint of fear creeping in.

"Tae! Don't mess with my baby. You know he's been yearning for his mate. Don't scare him like that. I'm sure my Kook's mate will be so beautiful, worthy of my precious son," Jungkook's mom, Jeon Jihyun, intervened, her voice warm and reassuring as she approached them.

"Mama, but the chances are so low, right?" Jungkook looked up at his mother, his eyes wide with concern.

(A/N: Just to make things clear, Taehyung calls Jungkook's mom 'Mama'; reasons will be explained later.)

Tae sent a knowing look in her direction, silently asking her to play along.

"Sadly, yes, Tae. But we can hope for better, no?" Jihyun replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Tae burst out laughing at Kook's reaction to his mother's remark. The poor boy looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack, his face a mix of shock and dread.

Jungkook's angry pout only intensified when he realized his mother and hyung were making fun of his eagerness for his mate. He shot an aggressive glare toward his best friend and, stomping his feet purposefully, he left the room in a huff.

"Tae, I want to talk to you about something, hun," Jihyun said, gently taking Tae's hand and leading him to sit with her on the bed.

"Is everything okay, Mama?" Taehyung asked, concern etching his features.She sighed deeply, her eyes filled with maternal worry. 

"Hun, it's been two years. How long are you planning to stay like this? Just say the word, and I swear I'll choose the prettiest omega for you to court. I can't see you like this, my baby," she said, cupping Tae's cheek lovingly, her thumb brushing gently against his skin.

"Mama, we've discussed this before. I'm not ready for that responsibility, and I'm not alone. I have a family. You, Jungkook, and everyone here love me. I've never felt desperate to have a mate," Taehyung explained, his voice steady but his eyes betraying a flicker of hidden pain."But Tae—" Jihyun started, her voice pleading.

"Shush, Mama. No more talk about this topic, please," Taehyung interrupted gently, placing a finger on her lips.

"Okay," she lowered her head, a sigh escaping her lips."I love you, Mama," he said, pulling her into a hug. She threaded her fingers through his hair, holding him close.

"I love you too son" Jihyun never considered Tae any less than Jungkook. Tae was her best friend's only son. But unfortunately both Tae's parents were killed in a rogue attack. Tae was only 8 at that time and Jungkook was 6. Since then Jihyun made Tae her own son. She gave him all the love he couldn't get from his mother anymore. Tae was traumatized after seeing his parents die right in front of his eyes. He was badly injured ,eventually his physical scars healed but mental ones remained. 

As Jungkook and Tae were brought up under the same roof, they were such a happy pill for each other  Always playing around and teasing other children. We can say Jungkook pulled Tae back to life. Both being the power duo of the pack, they have always been inseparable.

Jihyun was so happy at Tae's eighteenth birthday thinking that Tae will have a mate and start family of his own. Her motherly heart wished for the best for her Tae. But destiny had other plans for her poor Taehyung. He never got to find his mate all this time. Although Taehyung never showed any interest in it but deep down he craves love.Jihyun knows this and now when Jungkook will also probably have his mate. Though unintentionally but Tae will be neglected by his best friend somewhat and that will make him even more alone. So Jihyun wants Tae to court with some omega before Jungkook finds his mate. But Taehyung's been too reluctant in this matter. He says what if his destined mate comes and blames him for being impatient. This sounds like some lame excuse right? Everyone thinks like that too but no one knows the real reason why Taehyung does not want a mate.


Author's note: How's the first chapter?

Next ones are better I swear.

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