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Author's note: I don't know but I feel really demotivated these days... not regarding my story.

Like overall. Regarding my studies, regarding like eveything.

Does this happen with you too?

I don't know how to put into words but yeah..


Author's POV:

"May I have an honour of a dance, my Alpha?" Yeri asked, extending her hand to Tae who was sitting all alone at a corner away from the dance floor.

He smiled apologetically at her.
"I am afraid I won't be able-"

'Go for it' his wolf cut him off.

'But why?' Tae asked.

'Please for once' wolf insisted..

'Fine' he grumbled in his mind.

What harm a simple dance will do, right? He thought and..

"Oh okay" he says to yeri placing his hand on top of omega's, who was little baffled by sudden change of statement but didn't dwell on it, rather guided him to the dance floor.

Though dancing was the last thing Tae wanted to do at the moment but he successfully masked his dissatisfied expressions from all the people present in the hall.

He didn't want to ruin the romantic atmosphere of the hall with his bad mood...

But he had no idea how a certain True blood was shooting daggers at his and omega's clasped hands.

As soon as Tae and yeri stepped onto the dance floor, they had all attention on them.

As an omega, yeri had naturally got a glowing, flawless skin that was complemented by a beautiful dress she was wearing. Overall she looked extremely elegant.

And about Tae, well, he can wear a trash bag and still have all eyes on him.

However with the outfit, he was wearing currently, he looked like a prince who came straight from a fairy tale to bless their eyes.

Couples respectfully started to scatter around them as Yeri and Tae took the central position on the floor.

Taehyung was really discontented with the unnecessary attention on them.. now he was regretting even agreeing to this. But there was no backing away now. He cursed his wolf for making him do this.

He had no idea why his wolf wanted this suddenly?

Even though his wolf clearly showed disliking towards yeri from the very first day it saw her and now it was asking Tae to dance with her. Strange!

Yeri guided Tae's hand to her curvy waist whereas her arms loosely went around Tae's neck, now swaying her hips with the soft melody.

It wasn't until this moment, Tae realized how uncomfortable it was going to be..

"Tae, relax you are stiff" yeri leans towards Tae's ear and whispers.

"I am sorry yeri. I have no idea how to do this" Tae says.

"It's okay Tae, Just go with flow" she smiles lightly.

But to others, it looked like they were very happily talking while dancing. Oh how good they look, with each other, People thought.

Whereas Tae just focused on his feet, finding it hard to sync his movements with omega's, at the same time trying not to step on her feet.

He sighs, he was not into this dancing thingy.

And he was definitely not enjoying this.

Wanna know another person who was not enjoying this scene?

Jeon Jungkook aka now Head Alpha of Jeon Pack..

His hands were badly fisted as the nails of his fingers digged into the soft flesh of his palm bruising his hand.

His wolf was whimpering in jealousy, threatening to come out and rip the omega away from it's mate..

But it can't.

They had no rights on their mate anymore.

Suddenly the song shifted to another.
And as soon as the first few lines were heard by Jungkook, he was not feeling jealous anymore..

Just anguish. Grief. Longing.

It started from his chest then penetrated every inch of his body as he continued to listen to the song.

We were so beautiful
We were so tragic
No other magic,
Could ever campare...

Jungkook's eyes spotted Tae's at the very same second he spotted his.

Lost myself, seventeen
Then you came, found me..
No other magic,
Could ever campare...

Tae's eyes pooled with unshed tears as he kept looking at Jungkook, remembering the time he realized his feelings for Kook for the very first time.

There's a room, in my heart
With the memories, we made
Took 'em down but..
They are still in their frames
There's no way,
I could ever forget..

Every single memory they have made since their childhood flashed before them. Their hearts kept communicating through their eyes..

For as long as I live,
As long as I love,
I will never not think about you. Youuu...
From the moment I left,
I knew you were the one,
And no matter what I will do..

Tae's heart was hurting really bad. No he couldn't take this anymore. Without uttering a word, he left the omega in his arms and walked out of there.

Everyone was shocked as to why the Alpha suddenly left the dance in middle...

"He is not feeling well" yeri said to lighten the awkward atmosphere, Tae left behind.

"I will check up on him" Jungkook too stood up and walked out.

He found Taehyung's retreating back in the hallway.

"Hyung" he called out and made Tae halt who slowly turned around,
totally wasn't expecting True blood to come after him.

"You suddenly left. Umm you okay?" Jungkook asked.

"Don't worry Jungkook. I am fine. I won't have it again today...." Tae smiled.

Jungkook nodded and was contemplating to go back to the hall but that's when Tae noticed the bleeding cut on Jungkook's palm and forwarded his arm taking Jungkook's bruised hand in his.
"Your hand Jungkook, why you didn't let your wolf treat it?"

Before Jungkook could reply, Tae had already pressed two of his fingers onto the cut and it instantly healed within a second..

'Because I like it when my mate is the one healing my wounds' Jungkook's wolf answered for him.. in Tae's mind.

Tae than retreated his hand and placed it behind his back, hiding it's shakiness.

"Thanks". Jungkook said before he went back, inside the hall.

A lone tear escaped pass Jungkook's eyes as he distanced himself from Tae..

On the other hand, Tae too rushed to his room because he would prefer to cry in the safety of his room rather than being a sobbing mess here.. where anyone could come out and witness such state of him.


Author's POV:

Not me crying over my own story :(

As much as I want to see my babies happy, I can't jump to the happy part yet. Because I don't want to rush my story...

There's still alot to happen..

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