Special Epilogue🌹

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(This epilogue continues from the same night, I left the previous one)

Too many POVs 🤭🤭

Jungkook's POV:

I cross the room in few quick and long strides, reaching the crib where my little angel is sleeping.

I was supposed to come back tomorrow but a little surprise won't hurt. So here I am.

Besides, It's our anniversary today.
Today, it's past midnight now.

And the last thing I would want, is to spend this day without my other half. My mate. No matter if it's even a second.

I bend down to pick Hana, pecking her hair.
"Dada" she murmers half sleepily as soon as she finds herself in the familiar warmth she is accustomed to, stealing my heart yet again.

I hold her close to my chest for moment longer even when I am sure she is sound asleep. Then I put her down again.

I sigh in contentment as my eyes move to bed and fall on the person who is the reason my world is so colorful. Cause of my existence. Love of my life. Mother of my children.

My big bear is spooning my baby bear.

I lay down behind Tae quietly becuz both him and soobin are light sleepers and I don't want to disturb the sleep of my precious babies.

I prop my head up with one elbow to keep my gaze on their faces, taking them in after days.

My knuckles unconsciously graze over Tae's cheek. "Happy 14th anniversary love" I say softly. He lets out a small hum .

Told ya, he is a light sleeper.

He turns his face to me, revealing those eyes that are seared into my memory as a part of me.
A smile twitches his lips "you act like you missed me" he says, voice low and teasing.

I nod as I lean down, brushing my lips over his, "In case you haven't noticed in all these years, I go a little crazy when I am away from you"

He closes his eyes and grins, turning his face to soobin again.
His demand is loud and clear.
He wants to be a little spoon again after days of being a big spoon.

I slide my arms around his waist, pulling him to me until his back meets my chest.
"I want you all for myself today" I whisper near his ear and see my Alpha melting in my arms.


Author's POV:

(Tae is sitting on the right with Kook's mother and father on his left.
Kook is just opposite to Tae with Euna on his side and Taegguk at extreme left)

Today the breakfast time is even more enthused than usual. Children are extra chirpy as their Dada surprised them by coming back home early.

Hana is sitting on Jungkook's lap, happily munching on a strawberry, staining her Appa's shirt in the process but Kook's not minding it one bit. He is too happy to be wrapped by the comfort of his favorite people around him. His family.

"Hun" Jihyun calls Tae.

"Yes mama?"

"Let hana sleep with me today. I miss my munchkin." She says passing another strawberry into Hana's hand, who gives a big smile to her grandmother.

"Of course mama. Hana misses you too" Tae answers, while feeding soobin another piece of pancake, unaware of the silly faces, he is making at his brother.

Poor Taegguk. Soobin is teasing him for being the one sitting on 'his' Taetae's lap and getting fed by him.

Jungkook notices it and chuckles "Soobin!! don't tease your brother" he playfully glares at soobin who huffs.

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