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Author's POV:

"Mama you called for me?"

Jungkook was hoping for her to say No..

"Yes bun. I did. Come here" Jungkook pouted because his plan didn't go well but he went up to his mother nonetheless, placing his head on her lap as always making Jihyun chuckle with fondness.

"Are you ever going to grow up my bunny?"

He shaked his head and closed his eyes as She affectionately placed her hand on Jungkook's forehead and heard him sigh in alleviation when she started massaging his temples. Concern was laced on her face when she asked "You have headache baby?"

Jungkook hummed but kept his eyes close."Slight"

"You seem stressed these days.Does the fact that Taehyung is your mate bothers you?"

He snapped his eyes open at this, removing his head from Jihyun's lap with a jerk and sitting up straight,he questioned back
"Does it bothers you?"

"No" she said too quickly "just wanted to know about you."

He felt the relief tumbling into him.

"You still didn't answer me kook" she adds.

'Tell her', his wolf screamed in his mind. 'Tell her the truth for once!'

Luna understood her son's internal dilemma or so she thought. Thus she pulled his head back to her lap and gave him an assuring kiss on forehead.

"You know when you were born, I wished for you to be an omega"

That made Kook giggle, relieving the tense atmosphere of the room "but why mama?"

"Because I wanted my hun to become the mate of my child. Turns out you were a True blood, my hope shattered when you two couldn't be mates both of you being Alphas and..." she took a deep breath knowing the intensity of her next words "..unable to conceive pups"

The weight of the heavy truth settled on Jungkook's shoulders..

He can't have children with his mate..

A wave of guilt flashes in Jihyun's eyes. She shouldn't have said that. But sooner or later they had to face the circumstances after all.

"Mama. I will take your leave" Jungkook practically rushes out of the room.

Only then Jihyun realizes her mistake.


He needed to shift.

He needed a break from these overwhelming thoughts threatening his mind.

Taehyung saw him going to the packgrounds without having any breakfast so he followed him out to ask him to come back and have something before training.

If only he knew, Jungkook was not going for the training.

But Jungkook seemed like in an urgency today. Tae had to run to catch up to him.
"Kook!!" He yelled to gain his attention.

Jungkook spinned around to face him.

Tae was about to say something but stopped when Jungkook looked up. His eyes were strange shade of red:
Bright, crystal clear and piercing in the most alarmed way.

An indication that his wolf was extremely disturbed at something.

"You okay Kook? Did mama said something?" Tae asked but got no reply.

Jungkook's jaw was clenched, his heartbeat so loud Tae could almost hear it despite the amount of space between them.

Tae decides to close the remaining distance.

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