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Author's POV:

"Mama who is the new girl? I saw her in the Guestroom." Jungkook asked his mother.

"Ohh I almost forgot to tell you about this Jungkookie. She is Yeri. As you already know that I wanted Tae to have a mate and now that I have met yeri I think she is a pretty suitable option. What do you think?"

Jungkook's eyes grow twice their original size upon hearing his mother's words. It was quite unexpected news for him.

"But mom. Don't you think it's too soon?"

"Soon!? Kook it's been 2 years. How long will Tae remain mateless huh?"

"But mama, what if hyung doesn't want to mate her. Have you talked about this with him? Or maybe he already likes someone. We should ask for his opinion. It's his life after all. You can't force your decisions on him mama."

"No one is forcing neither him nor yeri. Poor girl likes our Tae very much and Taehyung will take this decision by himself of course. I just wanted to lay an option before him, to make it easy for him.When yeri will live here and spend time with Tae, eventually Taehyung will like her. If not then he can deny obviously. It's for his own good Kook. My son deserves a chance at love."

Spend time with her.. but what about me then? Jungkook thought, not feeling good to know that his hyung will spend more time with some random girl rather than his best friend. But Jungkook mentally scolds himself for being selfish and shoo the thought away.

"You know better mama but I don't think hyungie will agree. He was never interested in having a mate at first place."

"You are so naive Kook. Everyone wants to have their mate. Maybe Taehyung is just waiting for the right person."

"Then don't you believe he should wait for his fated mate. We can't feel that connection with anyone except our destined ones right?"

"What's the guarantee that Tae will find his fated mate? Do you want him to live his whole life waiting for something that may never happen? Besides once the mating is done, Tae will have that connection with his mate."

"Maybe you are right mama. Ok then We will talk about this with hyung once he returns. By the way Hyung is so lucky you are worried for his mate thisss muchhh and then there's me!" Jungkook emphasized on word this much then smiles sheepishly at his mother.

"Ah Moon goddess had to give me such impatient son!" She dramatically places her hand over her heart.

Jungkook pouts sadly and makes his way towards his Mother's lap doing the exact same thing he does with his hyung. Jihyun smiles and ruffles her son's hair lovingly.

"You know when you were younger, you would always throw tantrums saying why momma loves Taetae more than Koo." Jungkook chuckles at the way his mother said Taetae and Koo in a baby voice.

Jungkook puts his arms around his mother and buries his face in her stomach.

"Missing your hyung?" She asks

He hums "Mama I want to tell you something"

"What is it Koo?" She asks brushing back some of his raven strands.

"You remember that day I asked for permission from Dad and he denied? I was upset so I went to Hyung, we talked a bit and as usual I slept there but mama.. when I woke up" he pauses for a second and then fiddles with his fingers "hyung was crying mama. Even my cheeks were wet from his tears"

Jihyun's face morphed into a frown.
"Did he told you the reason Gguk?"

"I wish he did."

"It's okay, don't worry much.I think my hun must be tensed about the mission and all"

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