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Taehyung's POV:

He kisses me, once, his lips full and sweet. It's a tender kiss. No tongues involved, no teeth clashing.

I drink him in as much as I can, savor the taste of his lips on mine... I wish I could store this moment. Relive it as many times as I could.

There is one last brush of his lips against mine before we break apart.
My heart beats so fast it roars in my ears. I can hardly hear anything else.

I feel stunned

His eyes grow worried "Tae" he says

And I realize then, in a moment that terrifies me, that I want this forever, that I have wanted this forever. I want to spend rest of my life with him,  not as his best friend, I want to build a future with him. I want him to mark me and make me his for a lifetime..

Revelation dawns on me once again, though it's not new but the pain it brings every time is fresh. Always fresh...

"What's wrong?" he reaches out his arm only then I realize I am backing away from him..

"Everything's wrong" I say and my voice is barely above a whisper.
"This" I touch the air between him and I "is not possible not in a million years"

"Why?" he says and takes a tentative step towards me. Another. Another until he is again as close as he was before..

I stand there, speak nothing just shake my head continuously.

"You don't understand" I say as I make random gestures with my hands, as if trying to explain him why we can never work..

"What?" He says "make me understand then"

"That.." I look up at him

and it was a mistake.

he is close, so close

suddenly I forget what I was going to say. He got that type of face you take one look at and then you are lost. You can't bring yourself to speak anymore.

My eyes automatically travel to his lips, linger there for a long time.

And I do the most selfish thing I have ever done.

For the last time.

I dive for those addictive lips. Jungkook's eyes widen for a second but he eventually close them and kisses me back with equal fervor.

I suck on his upper lip, then on his bottom plump one.

I keep kissing him and he let's me.

He pulls apart first when he tasted the salty tears from my eyes in our kiss.

"Sweetheart" he traces my cheek with the back of his hand "why?" He asks again..

"Because.." I struggle a bit to get my lungs filled with enough air. " I can never give you a heir Jungkook. You can't mate me." And I don't know why just voicing this out made it ten times more painful. A fresh batch of tears made their way onto my cheeks.

"It doesn't matter. Our wolves are bound by strings of fate. Mood goddess didn't make us mates for nothing Tae." He puts his arms around me. I too wrap myself around him not being resistant anymore..
I let myself enjoy his warmth before I snatch it from both him and myself..

I hope you can find in yourself to forgive me Kook.. but I am doing this for you. Believe me just for you.

"Our wolves are bound Kook, but we are not yet and it does matter to me.. I w-want pups" I look anywhere but at him."I want to be a father" I don't know if I can bear to look at him now or ever.

he goes still in my arms and I close my eyes, cursing myself for doing this to him.

Out of all the reactions I had expected it was not this.
He rubs both of my arms slowly.
"You are cold hyung. Let's go home"
His voice is a bit shaky when he says that.

And I wish nothing but to carry him away from this cruel world, to keep him for myself, away from everyone else. Tell him how my heart is  filled with him so much that I can no longer call it mine.

But I do nothing.

As always.


There is a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say.

Mama peeks her head through the door.

"Is by any chance this is my son's room?"

"I guess? Who are you by the way?"I reply amusely.

She walks in with a sad pout, that reminds me of a particular someone.
The previous pain that I was feeling all day long in my head now shifts to my chest.
Jungkook and mama have striking resemblance. Same doe eyes, raven hair and same contagious bunny smile.

"My hun does not even remember me now?" She makes herself comfortable on the couch whereas I am on the bed.

"Mama.." I sigh. I am honestly tired. No not just tired, So sooooo tired of everything that's going on.

"Come here my baby" I walk over to her and sit beside her. A sigh left mama's lips "but that doesn't mean you have to cut off from everyone my hun."

I nod because I know she's right.She takes my face in her hands and kiss me on my forehead.

"You remember Hun, the first time you killed a wolf and came back to packhouse, all covered in blood from head to toe?" I frown a little as to why mama is discussing that.

How could I forget that day.
I was fourteen at that time and Jungkook was only twelve.

Yes I killed first wolf when I was fourteen. It's because being an Alpha I had already connected with my wolf fully but Jungkook had to wait till 18.

So when I returned and I had blood all over me, Jungkook was beyond shaken at the sight.

He assumed I was bleeding to death. Even when we tried to convince him that it's another wolf's blood not your hyung's. He refused to admit it that I can actually kill anyone. He said we are just making excuses not to worry him. That I was close to dying.

He was glued to me throughout. Not allowing me to be out of his sight for even a minute.
I coaxed him to sleep that night. I kept awake whole night to watch him so he doesn't wake up to dark and get petrified of being alone.

Jungkook was always the type of child who had only seen sunshine and rainbows in his life.

Even in the rogue attack in which my parents were killed, he was successfully hidden somewhere and since then he had been strictly protected by everyone.

And I just had an epiphany that yesterday he had killed a wolf..

And right now as I look at mama, all I can imagine is 18 year old boy who just had his first kill...

I remember my mental state after I took someone's else life with my bare hands for the very first time.

Jungkook must had it worse.

He was concealing it from me that time because I was his first priority.

God he must have shared it with mama after coming back.

An immense guilt consumes me..

"Where is he mama? I need to see him."


Author's note: my story is too angsty isn't it??

Lemme tell you a secret. After my story is completed. I will give you so many bonus chapters.
All happy and fluffy...
Stay tuned...

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