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I love all of them but Taegguk has special place in my heart for some reason.

Tell me your favrt one.
Is it Euna (looks like Tae but totally her Dada's girl)
Or is it Taegguk? (Exact copy of Jungkook but totally Tae's boy)

You guys are not familiar with Soobin that much so let's just decide between the older two :)


Author's POV:

"Come on Taegguk-ah, bun wake up, it's time for School. Look your noona is all ready." Tae says to his son who has the audacity to still sleep after one hundred and ten attempts of Tae trying to wake him up.

Euna is truly the most responsible daughter, one can ever have. She doesn't trouble Tae at all. Not even a little bit.

Because she knows her momma is pregnant and also has to take care of soobin so she tries her best to lessen the burden on her momma's shoulder as much as she can by taking care of her younger siblings. Both taegguk and soobin.

But...the fact is
She shows her childish side to her Dada only who loves to spoil his princess in every way.

Tae and Jungkook are so amazed by the fact that how Euna acts differently to Jungkook.

Tae doesn't mind it though. If only it shows how much Euna loves Tae and wants to care for him.
Maybe because she is the only girl in the family so she feels this need.

Sometimes Tae even jokingly calls her "noona" to tease her for her habit of babying him.

She is basically more like a sister to her momma
but a baby princess to her Dada.

And then there's Taegguk.. ah where do we start..

This baby bun always gives Tae hard time. Always up to some mischief.
And he's really reluctant to wake up in the morning. Tae chuckles as he remembers his son is exact copy of his father cuz Tae and Jihyun both had to practically spend an hour trying to get the True blood off of his bed for School.

Kook was not a morning person.
He's still not.
And so is taegguk.

"Aish this little Jungkookie" Tae says and Taegguk whines again.
"My Taetae just one minute more pleaseeee~" he pouts, his eyes still closed and blanket clutched tightly so that Tae can't remove it.

Tae pats him on cheek lightly.
"No you have to get up Taegguk." He says sternly "Right. Now"

Hearing this, Taegguk got up at once.
Taehyung sighed.
Finally he woke up.

But his relief was short lived when taegguk places his head on Tae's lap, lifts Tae's sweater, hides his face in his mother's stomach, then pulls the sweater down again.

Tae was about to pull him out when,

"There's no taegguk here. Shhhhh you are disturbing the baby. He's sleeping." comes his muffled voice somewhere from inside Tae's sweater.

Tae tried his best not to coo at his adorable bunny. So he melts and decides to let his baby sleep for some minutes. He looked down and caressed the, now his double baby bump.
One orginal and one that taegguk was forming.

"I love you, mama" taeggukie said, giggling when he figured his mother was letting him sleep.

"I love---" Tae's eyes widened as he realised what Taegguk addressed him as...


Taegguk has never called him that.. not even once.

"B-bubba what did you say?" Tae asked and Taegguk immediately peeked his head out as he sensed the shaky voice of his mother..

He sat up in Tae's lap and looked at his mother's.

The little true blood's heart clenched as he saw a lone tear rolling over his mother's cheek..

He instantly wiped it away with his tiny hand.
"Mama" he whispers "I won't ever trouble you again. I will wake up early everyday I promise. Please don't cry. I am so sorry. I will wake up even before noona from now on.. you just" he pleads while cupping Tae's face "just don't be sad my taetae"

Tae cried harder at Ggukie's words and the way his baby's lower lip was wobbling as he thought it was his fault.

Before taegguk could burst out in sobs after witnessing a single tear in his mother's eyes.

Tae tackled him in a tight bear hug.
"My son" he said over and over and kept peppering ggukie's whole face with kisses, both of their cheeks damp with tears "Call me mama again"

"My mama" taegguk pecked Tae's nose.
"Taeggukie don't like tears in his mama's eyes. Don't ever cry again, Kay?" Tae nodded and gave a big boxy smile to his son, who gave a bunny smile in return.

As mother-son duo were clinging to each other while having heart to heart talk,

Jungkook was watching this with his glossy eyes from the doorway of the room. His heart finding it hard to fit in his chest anymore after the amount of love he felt for both of his boys..


(Few months later, a happy day)

"Congratulations Alpha, it's a girl"

"Jeon Hana" Jungkook whispered the name as he kissed his daughter's forehead.

"Yayyy our sissy is here" kids happy voices echoed in the room.


Author's note:

Ready for some Soobin and Hana content in next epilogue??

One kid remaining and then we will have to say goodbye to this.. *sobs*

Alexa play "In the Stars"!

I am holding onto everything that's dead and gone~
I don't wanna say goodbye~
Cuz this one means forever~


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