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Jungkook's POV:

As soon as I enter my room, my first instinct is to notice his absence . Well It doesn't feel right anymore to call this 'my' room since Tae practically lives here now. I have always loved his room more but turns out I didn't actually love Tae's room, I just loved how it smelled like him, how everything in it, was associated with him and how it was full of little things of Tae's choice. So now I love this room just as much, since he moved in. Even when he's not here, his scent is enough to make me feel at ease. All my tiredness of attending two consecutive meetings, going away when I look around. I love it that , I find his things in here too along with mine, his clothes in the closet too along with mine.

You know that little excitement you feel when your partner is not in the room but still everything inside is already reminding you of them. Yeah I am going through this.

When I was younger I used to think true love was tumultous and intense.
But now after experiencing it myself, i feel like real love is gentle, passionate but in a soft, sweet way, not the fireworks and drama but a love that's like coming home, the breeze on a still summer day, a balm to the aches of the world.

Love has really made me poetic..

Anyways I am in desparate need of a hot shower so I took it, as I returned from the shower, I find our puppy sleeping on the bed but

without any blanket.

Strange! Cuz the day he came here , he has been glued to Tae, always with him

How come Taehyung can be careless enough to let puppy come here and sleep like it.

I walk over to him to tuck the puppy carefully in the blanket. A small smile come to my lips. I must admit he is cute.


'But where is Tae?',because nowadays Taehyung is hardly found anywhere except my room. And it's been a while since I came.

'Honey are you in your room?' I mind link while putting on a shirt. Yeah I came out shirtless.

Not that I was hoping Tae would be in the room.. not at all.

I furrow my eyebrows when I find him out of range.

Where did this boy go in such heavy snowfall?

After changing into some comfortable clothes I finally go out to look for my mate.

"Noona have you seen Taehyung?" I  ask our maid who was working in the kitchen.

"Alpha went for a run" she told me.

"Run? In this weather" I point towards the snow covered window.
"Anything unusual that happened?" I ask

She nodded, her expression morphed into apology "actually umm Alpha had an arguement with Yeri and.."

I let out a low growl at her name. Nothing good can be associated with her name

"And?" I ask.

"He used his Alpha voice" she answered hastily and went back to her work.

As much as I am happy Tae showed that woman her place. I know Tae must be feeling bad. He is not one of those that enjoy using their authority and power over the weak.

I am pretty sure it's yeri who must have pushed him to his limits.

I need to do something about her.

"Bring her to me" I order the maid.

She bowed and left.
After about 2 minutes she returned with Yeri trailing behind her.

"You can go" I gesture to the maid.

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