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I wrote this chapter in time gaps..

And yes it's the last one...

Hope y'all would be satisfied

Author's POV: ( 10 months later)

Tae slightly tip toed to reach upto the cabinet where he remembered Kook putting brand new Nutella jar last night.

Tae had already finished the previous one and now he desparately needed to have another because he really can't finish his pancake without nutella but he was having a trouble to get the jar from down here.

Because it was a bit higher than his reach.

Kook really got taller within a year.

True blood things, Tae muttered and dragged a stool so he can stand on it he had to satisfy his need for nutella at all costs.

But before he could step on it, two arms snaked around his waist, pulling him back.

"Lemme do it ,honey"
Kook can sometimes be so swift, Tae couldn't even get the whiff of his scent before the other had already wrapped him in his arms.

True blood things again, Tae thought and rolled his eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you, not to do these risky things hmm?" Kook asked, resting his chin on Tae's shoulder who leaned back against Kook's chest, putting his weight on his mate.
"What if you had fell?" He added, now kissing along Tae's neck.

"You would've caught me as always" he replies, tilting his neck to other side to give more access to Jungkook

Tae felt kook's lips halting at his jaw before he got turned around.

Tae squealed when his mate lifted him in the air and made him sit on the kitchen counter but after giving him a twirl or two just to hear those melodic giggles.

He settled between Tae's legs after making him sit"how do you always know what to say at right time?" He asks, his hands resting on counter, either sides of Tae, and Tae shrugs as an answer looking at Kook, who is practically caging him.

"Not all privileges are for True bloods, I guess" he says and flicks his hair, tries to appear unbothered by Jungkook's intense stare.

"Indeed, Indeed" Kook smirks and leans forward, his lips almost brushing against Tae.

But Tae had other plans for teasing. He pokes his finger to Kook's chest.
"Kookieee~ Gimme that first. I am hungry." He pouts and points towards the upper cabinet with his puckered lips and of course who Kook is to deny his mate?? he gives in and pulls away at once to fulfil his love's wish.

Tae rarely shows this side of him. Usually Kook is the pouty and clingy one.

"Here you go, keep it somewhere near now" Kook says handing him the jar, but not before opening it for him and also placing a spoon inside,
though Tae prefers his fingers for this.

He excitedly takes it with literal shine in his eyes and immediately
dives in for the yummy treat.

Fight me!)

Jungkook chuckled at his messy mate who had chocolate smeared all over his mouth like a toddler, he pulled the nearby stool in front of Tae and sat on it, watching his mate eating, like it's the most fascinating thing in the world.

Maybe Eating is not. But Taehyung is.

He is the most fascinating thing in the world for Kook.

Tae was engrossed in devouring the jar even when the pancake in his hand was finished, amongst all this eating session, he caught his mate, giving him heart eyes.

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