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Author's POV:

"Mama Are we going to just sit here and wait? I think we should ask for health experts from other packs. I think I should ask Dad for this. Yeah that would be the solution. Then Hyung will be alright and he will wake up"

Jungkook was pacing back and forth in his mother's room while constantly babbling about how they are not doing anything for Tae. Jihyun was sitting on the couch patiently listening to her son and closely watching his face which was itched in worry and concern for his hyung.
She slowly stood up and softly pulled Jungkook onto the couch with her.
"Listen to me bun" she cupped Jungkook's squishy cheeks who nodded.

"Nothing is gonna happen to Tae. You hear me?" He nodded again but tears started brimming in the corner of his eyes, it's okay he can be vulnerable in front of his mother so he didn't hold back anymore and just cried into her shoulder.

"Mama h-he won't leave us r-right?"
Jihyun pulled back a little and shaking her head, she wiped Kook's tears "No baby he will never"
"You must stay strong for your hyung so that when he wakes up all he should see is us smiling and happy for him Yeah?" Jihyun continued to comfort him though she was herself beyond terrified because Tae was no way near betterment. His wounds were healed completely but his wolf was having hard time recovering the conscious. It was odd considering werewolves have extraordinary capabilities to heal faster than humans and specially Alphas. Then why Taehyung was taking so much time? Doctor said Alpha may have healed physically but mentally he and his wolf are effected severely by the incident and considering his past trauma regarding his parents,his wolf was already sensitive to sudden panicky feelings and immediately loses conscious if he faces one.

His family was of course unaware of this before otherwise they would have never risked sending Tae to such missions. Oh how well Tae hid his weaknesses from everyone!

'Why you faced everything alone and not share with us hun?' Jihyun wondered while patting Jungkook's back who was now fast asleep in his Mother's arms.


Taehyung immediately converted into his human form, his body trembling with the pain from his bruises. The transformation left him vulnerable, the strength of his wolf receding as his human form took over.

Seeing him in his human state, the giant wolf pinning him down also shifted into a smirking man. The man's eyes roved over Taehyung's body with a lustful gaze that made Taehyung's skin crawl. 

He wanted nothing more than to punch the man across his smug face, but the strong grip on his one arm and the searing pain from the wound on the other rendered him nearly helpless. He cursed himself for parting from his soldiers, foolishly thinking he could handle the other group alone.

"Get off me, you bastard!" Taehyung growled, his voice raw with fury and desperation.

"Oh, don't tire yourself," the man sneered, his grip tightening. "Don't you think you're too pretty to be an Alpha?"

"And don't you think you're too cowardly to be a Trueblood?" Taehyung shot back, his eyes blazing. "If you had any dignity, you'd have fought me directly instead of hiding behind bunch of your dogs."

"Hmm, got a sassy mouth too. I like it." The man leaned closer, his breath hot and foul against Taehyung's neck. "But look at you, all at my mercy now." He licked a slow, deliberate line up Taehyung's neck, humming contentedly. 

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