The Letter✉

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Song recommendation: A thousand years by Christina Perri


Damn you are 21 already!!???? Time really flies huh?

Happy birthday<<<<<3333
It feels like just yesterday when we were in diapers, running around the packhouse, tiring eomma and mama both. Now that I realise.. isn't it amazing that we both spoke our first words under same roof?
Your first word was dada.
Mine was you. Taetae.

You took your first step holding eomma's hand.
I took my first step holding yours.

Mama told me how your 'first day of school cries' were heard by all the neighboring packs while I went in the class giggling on my first day cuz somehow the knowledge--hyungie is just 2 rooms away--was very comforting to me.

My every first and significant step of life was blessed with your companionship and guidance in one way or other. Never have I ever spent a day without your care and your affection. I don't know how to live otherwise.

Now as I write my first letter, I am glad it's for you. However I wish you could have helped me in this as well cuz honestly I am so lost..How one writes a romantic etter? It's hella difficult. No? What are your thoughts on this?

Forgive me if I ruin the vibe as I don't know if we are supposed to write this in a clichè letter or not but I wanna know this so bad..

Have you been sleeping well? then why you look tired almost all the time?
Eating proper meals? If yes then why your cheeks are not chubby anymore?
Are you alright? If yes then Why your laugh does not reach your eyes?

I came to your room last night....

As much as I would have loved to wake you up at midnight, sing you a terrible happy birthday song like every year and smear cake all over your face just to see you being all sulky and pouty..muttering something about how I disturbed your precious beauty sleep for an occasion that comes every other year, I didn't want to do that before you read this letter and give me answers.

How we messed up this much? Can we fix this, hyung? I can't live without you. The air feels heavy on my lungs and it hurts to breathe in your absence.

It hurts your kook so much can't see me in pain, right? What if I tell you that I am in so much pain and only cure is you. Will you still be willing to end my suffering?

It's 31st day of us not talking and I have not gotten used to it. I don't even want to. Please don't force me to survive without you. I won't.

I hope you forgive me for being so blunt but I still can't help dreading the silence you gave to my question that day. No matter how much I tried to believe what you told me back in my room about how I matter to you more than anything. I couldn't stop thinking otherwise. honey.. I just couldn't. I thought I would get over it. We would be normal just like we used to...

This whole month was me when I say my eyes ache to see you, my ears yearn to listen to your voice,my nose crave for your scent, my body desires your warmth, my fingers itch to trace the curve of your lips while you smile, and
my heart?

Everytime I see a beautiful flower It wants to give it to you. Everytime, I see the moon, It wants you to see it with me too. Everytime I see an old couple holding hands, It wants that to be us someday and everytime I shut my eyes, all I feel is my heart being filled with nothing but you.

And you know what hyung? With every passing day, now it all makes sense to me.

A perfect sense of what's happening to me.
And sometimes I just wanna scream on top of my lungs in front of whole world;


Tae..I want you to know that I am ready to give it up. All of it.

Over Everything, I choose you.

My answer won't change no matter what.

I don't know if it's the same for you hyung but I do know one thing for sure, which is how truly exhausted you are from all the running you are doing from me.

It's Okay, you can let your guard down. You can fall down now.
I will catch you, my love.

I love you. Yes I love you. I will say that over and over again. For million trillion times if I have to. If that's what will make you believe my words.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
And it's not that friendship kind of love. This is I-can't-live-without you, People-write-poetry-about kind of love.
The real deal.

Because I love you
To infinity and beyond,

Your Kookie

P.s. I have something to tell you..

don't be mad but I stole some birthday kisses when I came to drop this letter...just on the forehead and cheeks and hair. Nowhere else... pinky promise :(((

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