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Author's POV:

"What exactly happened? Explain to me in detail,"

 Jungkook sternly demanded, his eyes narrowing at the guards who had accompanied Taehyung. The air around them grew heavy with tension, each guard feeling a shiver run down their spine at the uncharacteristically authoritative tone. Jungkook, usually known for his soft and kind demeanor, now radiated a True Blood's fierce intensity.

"Our soldiers fought really well. We were having the upper hand under Alpha Taehyung's lead, but suddenly two groups of rogues attacked us simultaneously. One group engaged us while the other targeted Alpha Taehyung. As we dealt with the first group, we realized the Alpha was missing. We found him surrounded by the second group at a distance."

"You should have known why they split into two groups," Jungkook's voice was sharp, his frustration palpable. "They targeted him specifically. God dammit." He rubbed the bridge of his nose, a futile attempt to calm the storm brewing inside him.

"Our apologies, Alpha," they all murmured, lowering their heads in shame. It was a disgrace that they couldn't protect their Alpha who had been leading them so valiantly.

"Don't tell me those bastards got away after what they did to hyung?" Jungkook's voice was a growl, his patience hanging by a thread.

"We killed them, Alpha, but—"

"But?" Jungkook's eyes bore into the guard, demanding the full truth.

The guard swallowed hard before answering, "One of them managed to escape while we were distracted by Alpha's injuries. The one who got away was actually the one who tried to force himself on our Alpha, taking advantage of his wounded state." He closed his eyes, bracing for the worst possible reaction.

What came was silence. Jungkook simply turned and began to walk away.

The guards exchanged bewildered looks, not expecting their True Blood Alpha to leave without further admonishment or fury. But they saw the defeated slump of his shoulders, the anguish etched into his expression. They knew of the precious bond between Taehyung and Jungkook. They had always been inseparable, their connection palpable wherever they went. 

Jungkook must be blaming himself for not being there when Taehyung needed him the most.

"Allpha, we are sorr—" one of the guards began, but was cut off.

"You tried your best."Jungkook muttered emotionlessly as he walked out. He knew if he stayed a moment longer, his rage would consume him, leading him to actions he might later regret. He needed to be alone, to process this. 

He rushed to Taehyung's room, slamming the door shut behind him. Throwing himself onto his hyung's bed, he hugged a pillow tightly to his chest, seeking solace in the lingering scent of Taehyung.

Jungkook lay on his back, feeling the silent tears of anger and regret falling at his sides. 

Only one thought consumed his mind;

He had miserably failed as Taehyung's best friend.

How could he cowardly sit in the safety of his pack while his hyung fought alone at the borders? He should have tried harder to convince his father to let him go. Hell, he should have just sneaked out with them. He should have been there when his hyung needed him the most.


"How's my hun?" Jihyun asked the doctor, hope shinning in her eyes.

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