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Author's POV:

Everything inside Jungkook morphs from one extreme to another.

Now he's determined.

Determined to take a step for their relationship.

After all, that's what everyone is running for.

A chance at happiness.

And Jungkook knows too well his happiness lies in Tae, his destined.

But first he has to make sure him and Taehyung are on same page.

'Are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of us?' Jungkook mind links.

Though they both are sitting on bed in each other's embrace but, what their minds can convey, the spoken words can never do..

It is also the display of the fact how they both are connected in a way they can never be connected with anyone else.

'I lied' Tae confesses.

Jungkook's confusion is evident on his face. His doe eyes now 2 times wider than normal size.

'Lied about what hyung?' He asks.

'About me wanting to be a father'
He looks deep into Jungkook eyes finding any trace of disappointment or anger.

'you don't?' Jungkook hopefully asks.

'It's not like that Kook. I just..I would rather have you above everything.' Tae explains.

One thing that Tae and Jungkook have always promised since their childhood is, to never lie to each other no matter what.

Therefore Tae was sure Jungkook would be pissed at him for not being honest about it.

But he was not.

Specially now when he scoots a bit closer to cup Tae's left cheek with his palm.

He looks relieved when he places his forehead against Tae's.

"What about you?" Tae asks before closing his eyes to enjoy their little moment.

"Nothing else matters to me as long as you are by my side Honey." he whispers.

And the way Taehyung's heart did a back flip and the sigh of relief that escaped his lips at Jungkook's response, all of his worries disappearing into thin air and the swarm of butterflies that invaded his stomach at the petname Jungkook used.

"Honey?" Tae whispered back.

"What name should I use for my mate who tastes and smells like honey huh?"

That statement earned Jungkook a flick on his forehead.

"Shameless bunny" Tae muttered.

The atmosphere around them lightened as they both chuckled.

Jungkook was about to get up when Tae pulled him back by holding his arm.

"Where do you think you are going Jungkookie?"

"To talk with mama and Appa?" He shrugs.

"About?" Tae raises his eyebrow.

"About us of course Tae, you shithead"
He says.

"Aish why are you so impatient kook-ah? Don't you know that mama and appa are out of pack?"

"Oops I forgot" he pats himself on forehead lightly.

"Exactly so get your ass down here. Tomorrow we will talk with them." Tae says "together" he emphasizes on the word.

Whatever it is.

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