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Taehyung's POV:

Something wet touches my forehead and I can fairly distinguish the feeling as pair of lips kissing me.

"Good morning hyungie" a husky voice, the owner of those soft lips says and I feel the warmth leaving me so I cling onto his nearest body part which is the arm and grip it tightly...

"Don't... don't leave yet" my own voice is thick with sleep.

Jungkook laughs breathlessly but the bed dips again and familiar warmth engulfs me once more. The addictive scent that my wolf yearns for,every night it sleeps and every morning it wakes up is on the pillow. Unable to control the urge, I push my face into it, smiling at the protective feeling it gives me.

"What are you doing?"Jungkook chuckles as he weaves his fingers through my bed hair. I lean into the touch and sigh in pleasure when his fingers come in contact with my scalp and accidentally pull on my strands.

Oh how much I want my every morning to start like this..

As much as I want to keep my eyes close and carve the memory of this beautiful cozy morning in my mind, the desire to see his face overcomes it and I open my eyes.

I am met with a smiling boy having black messy hair and his eyes small and sleepy. His cheeks look so adorably soft,I wanna squish them really bad.

"Good morning again sleepyhead" he says pulling the sheets back over us.

"Morning" I mumble nudging his shoulder to inform him that I want his arm around me. He gets the hint and wraps his arm around my waist as I turn sideways to lean against him..

"My baby bear" he says and pinches my cheek with the other hand that's not on my waist.

Over the years, we have given each other alot of pet names but this one feels like I don't know romantic? TAE You fool!!! What are you thinking..? it's not like he called you Darling or anything.. don't get your hopes high as always.
"That baby bear is two fucking years older than you" I say successfully concealing the fact that it effected me in every way it shouldn't..

"Okay my baby hyungie" he trails off.

I look at him questioningly.
"Aren't you playing my cards Jeon, that too on me?"

He shrugs against the mattress making me hit his arm as I start pushing him off the bed. "Get out"

"That is my room hyung."

"Does it look like I care kook?"

"Of course you don't. My hyung" he says mockingly and bows 90 degrees before starting to walk towards the bathroom.

"Wait" I call him out, he turns around in hope that maybe I am asking him to come back to bed. "I want pancakes for breakfast" I say in commanding way and then I have to refrain myself not to burst into giggles at seeing his shocked face.

He snickers but complies anyway and finally goes into the bathroom slamming the door shut too loudly than usual to make sure I know he is angry.

I smile to myself thinking about his pouty face and cute little antics that brightened up my day already.

Maybe I am trying to ignore the reality. I know we can't go on like this. But everything seems to be okay now and seeming is all I need at the moment.


Author's POV:

Jungkook is in the kitchen making delicious pancakes because his hyung asked him so.

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