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Author's note:

I am so sorry guys. I really feel bad to make you all wait. I want to update daily. Trust me I really do but I have been so busy lately. So bear with me please.

Thankyou so much for all the votes and everything.

My story is really progressing and I am so happy about it.


Author's POV:

Jungkook looks up at Tae as his eyes darken.

"Call me that one more time" he says "and I will kiss the hell out of you Tae"

An audible gasp left Tae's lips once he comprehended Jungkook's words.

Did he just...?

Jungkook brushes his fingers onto Tae's chin reminding him that he has to close his mouth.

Poor boy just opened his mouth to say something but couldn't form any words..

"I can't do this hyung" Jungkook whispers.

Taehyung's heart fell.

Was Jungkook just teasing him?

"Do what?" Tae questions, his heart pounding against his chest, his mind going through all possible answers.

But none of them was this...

"Pretend we are just friends. I think about you All the time." he says looking straight into Tae's eyes."Tae.." he places both of Taehyung's hands in his."Do you think about me hyung?" He desparately asks as he takes his lower lip between his teeth.

Taehyung giggles.

The boy legit giggles.

What else do you expect from someone who has loved his best friend all of his life?

And Now the same best friend is confessing that he likes him..

He gently frees Jungkook's lower lip from the firm grip by the help of his thumb and

"All the time" Tae replies..


Jungkook's POV:

"All the time"

That's all...

That's all it took to break all of my restraints..

I completely lower myself on top of him.

He is smiling.

As much as I love this smile, I want to kiss it away.

So I do.

One time.

Then another.

But I can feel his smile grow wider against my lips..

"Stop smiling you jackass and kiss me back" I say but of course

He doesn't oblige.

Hyung never do.

So I go all the way from his mouth to his ear with my lips and lower my voice.

"I've wanted this" I tell him.

"Since when?" he asks while he encircles his arms around my neck pulling me more onto him.

"Since fucking always" I reply leaning away to take a look at his reaction.

God he is blushing.

I can't help but press a gentle peck on both of his crimson cheeks one by one.

"I knew you were blushing that day" I tell him.

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