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Just so you know Euna is 12, she's Alpha, Taegguk is 7, he's a trueblood, there's another baby named soobin who is  2, he's an Alpha. And Tae is pregnant again.

Author's POV:
(a night before 1st of September)

"There you are honey. I've been looking for you. Soobin woke up and..." Jungkook starts to say as he sees Tae sitting on stool after he walked pass their kitchen but stops mid sentence when he notices Tae's arms folded on the counter and head buried into them...

"Did something happen?"
He asks, worried.

But as soon as Tae lifts his face, Jungkook witnesses how it's completely covered in flour then he looks around and finds everything everywhere.. whole kitchen is messed up.

Jungkook really wants to let out a hearty laugh at witnessing this havoc but he resists himself by biting his lips because he knows as much as Tae is emotional right now, he can be really scary if he's mad in this state.. (flashbacks from chapter 40 Jennie incident)

"Kook?" Tae gasps when he finds Jungkook standing in front of him "Oh no you are here." he places a palm over his mouth and shuts his eyes close in distress.

"Yes honey. Were you trying to bake something?" Jungkook asks, now raising an eyebrow knowingly.

But wrong move.. because no sooner are the words out of Kook's mouth than the Fat tears start leaving Tae's eyes...

"I fucked up again.. didn't I??.. last time I forgot about your birthday and now? Now I can't even bake the cake properly without you knowing all about it.. I am good for nothing. We don't even have all the ingredients... whole day I was busy with soobin and then had to help taegguk with his homework and then had to.." Taehyung kept blabbering not realising his mate was now walking towards him until Jungkook grabbed both of his shoulders, made him stand up and turn towards himself.

"Honey, I love it when you do a Good job" Jungkook says as his hands move from Tae's shoulders to his face, cupping his mate's cheeks in the most gentle way possible, not minding the fact his own palms getting smudged with flour. "And 99 percent of the times you do a Good job. Not even Good. Perfect. You do everything perfectly..But...you know what I love even more?" Jungkook asks, pushing Tae's flour covered hair behind his ear who looks up at him with big teary eyes

"What?" Tae asks with a sniffle and wipes his nose by his sweater paw.
Pregnant Tae can get too adorable sometimes for Jungkook's heart to handle.

Jungkook pulls Tae's face close biting the chubby flour covered cheek, making Tae giggle.

"When *peck on left cheek* you *peck on right cheek* mess *peck on forehead* it *peck on nose* up *peck on lips*"

"Lemme tell you a thing honey" Jungkook says pulling Tae in for a hug after detaching their lips , he keeps one hand on Tae's back, other in his hair while he rests his chin over his mate's head, Tae too wraps his arms firmly around Jungkook's waist, presses his cheek against Kook's heart.

"You are doing a fantastic job at raising our pups. It's not easy to be a mother of three while being pregnant and you, being an Alpha doesn't make it any less tiring for you or doesn't make you any less of a mother. So don't ever think like that.. secondly cake for my birthday is such meaningless thing to shed your precious tears for." He leans away from Tae but still has him in his arms by placing both of his palms on Tae's waist.

"All I need on my birthday is you. All I need in general is you. It's you. Just you. Always you" Jungkook says rubbing his hands up and down Tae's sides in soothing manner, "now let's go back to our room. Soobin must be awake. Shall we?"

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