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Author's note:

Remember what I told you to do before reading part:1 of this?

Yeah do that, this time too.

Happy reading♡

Just a little reminder that

My heart goes out to each and everyone of you and I love you all so much. In this short period that I spent on this app, I have grown really attach to my readers!

Believe me or not when I don't see a comment of my specific reader who used to do, I get worried of how they are. I start to miss them. I want them to tell me they are doing okay

You guys have become a part of my life now with whom I have shared my thoughts and will continue, hope so 💜

(P.s. Tae will breastfeed so if anyone has problem you may skip this epilogue)


Author's POV:

The Family of 4 is right now sitting on the couch, all snuggled up into a single blanket and watching a cartoon movie.

Yes the family of four because the newest addition in family
Jeon Taegguk is already here and he is 8 months old now.

Euna is sitting on Jungkook's lap who has one arm secured around his princess while Tae is resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder and Kook's other hand is in his hair, threading through it.

And our little hyperactive true blood is crawling on the floor, having fond eyes of his mother on him rather than the movie, but like his mate and daughter, his bun's world also revolves around him only so he ain't going anywhere far from his mother.

Also, just like his father, Taegguk's first word was also "Taetae".

But there's cherry on top.
My Taetae...
Possessiveness on top actually..

Even though Euna always calls Taehyung Momma, Taegguk has not once called Tae that. He always calls him My Taetae.. then again he just turned 8 months. He may learn new words to call his mother,later. Who knows?

Somewhere in between the movie, Euna tells Kook about some kind of test she gave in school yesterday and got an A in it.
Kook gives her a kiss on cheek in appreciation.
"I am so proud, princess" he tells her, resulting in a boxy smile on Euna's face.

"My Euna is very intelligent" Tae praises and was about to lean ahead to give his daughter a kiss too but then....

A certain jealous bunny jumped at Tae and started wailing loudly.

Taegguk is extremely possessive and that is not the only thing he got from Jungkook because in appearance too, Taegguk is a photocopy of his father.

"Oh my, he's just like Kook was" Jihyun had said when she first time saw Taegguk

"Oh my, he's just like Kook was" Jihyun had said when she first time saw Taegguk

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