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Author's note: I have seen many stories where the number of votes is usually equivalent to the number of comments.. but in my story, you guys don't comment, only vote :(

It makes me happy when you guys comment. So please do. It gives me motivation.

By the way I am writing this chapter in rush. HOPE it's not too bad. Come back here after you have read and tell me though if it sucked?

Author's POV:


Both of their faces exactly on same level. They are eye to eye, nose to nose.

"Huh?" Tae asks unsure of what he heard.

"Eat with me" Kook says "today"

Taehyung looks into his eyes, lips trembling, chest tightening at how Jungkook used the word 'today'...

Today. Only Today.

that was all they had.

Tae wonders if something like Forever exists? How doomed is that word just like their Fate.

Taehyung lets out a small "okay" and Jungkook slips his hand into his just for an instant to give him something to hold. Tae has long fingers that fit perfectly into the gaps between Jungkook's. Their hands link together like fingers inside of a glove. Like they were made for each other.

Taehyung looked at the tray and realized he only brought breakfast for Jungkook because of course he didn't know if kook will ask him to stay and have it with him.

Hell Tae had no idea if Jungkook will even take that tray from him..
The passed month has changed alot about Kook in people's perspective but not in a bad way.

He is no longer a bubbly boy in their eyes
Instead a responsible True blood.
He is no longer a careless teenager but a composed Head Alpha.

Others may have taken it as a positive change but For Tae, it was anything but positive. He missed the sound of Kook's giggles echoing in the packhouse. Their bickering at almost every little thing. Their pillow fighting in their rooms. He missed his Kookie.

Seeing the change in Jungkook's personality was a constant reminder for Tae that everything's so fucked up.

But the way Kook is treating him right now is the greatest proof that he is not changed a bit. He is the same Jungkook, Tae grew up with..

The same bunny, Tae wants him to be.

"Here" Kook says as he passes Tae the plate of fruits.

Tae sits on the corner of the bed, his legs dangling below.

Then he picks up a strawberry from the plate, kook passed him, stuffing the whole thing in his mouth, his cheeks puffed up adorably as he chewed on it, his eyes all sleepy.

A slow smile spread on Kook's face as he witnessed the cute scene in front of him.

He sat beside him so that their shoulders were touching somewhat.
Taehyung subconsciously leaned into Jungkook, resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

They were deprived of each other's warmth for so long that their wolves were going crazy inside their bodies at the slightest contact.

A comfortable silence enveloped them.

Jungkook started stroking Tae's hair "you are not getting enough sleep these days."

Tae shook his head as an answer even though it was not a question.
"nightmares again" he mumbled.

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