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Author's note: woah back to back updatess.

I am overwhelmed by the love my story is receiving.

nirzaara this chapter is dedicated to you

Thankyou so much♡

Taehyung's POV:

Me and Jungkook walk out of my room hand in hand..

He gives a squeeze to my hand with every step we take towards Appa's office.

Jungkook told me Appa had called for him as soon as he came. I wonder what was so urgent that Appa needed to talk with him just after he returned. If he wanted to see kook, he would have never sent someone to wake him up.

If it was any normal day. Mama and Appa would have simply rested in their room after arriving to packhouse. Then at the breakfast table we all would have had a chitchat and Appa would have caught up on everything that happened in the pack in his absence.

But it was not a normal day.

I could already sense something's really big gonna happen today and it's definitely not going to be something in our favour

As we were walking..

A crying pup came running in our direction. He seemed no more than 2 years old and looked really adorable with how he was crying with a pout, his chubby cheeks all damp with fat tears but before I could go ahead and pick him up he had already started clinging to Jungkook's leg as if hiding from someone. We both cooed at him then Jungkook picked him in his arms. The pup hid his face in
Jungkook's neck like he had known kook all his life. We giggled at his cuteness.

"Why are you crying baby?" I ask, gently holding his tiny hand in my own.

"Mama.." the pup managed to say between his hiccups, then throwed his arms around Jungkook's neck nuzzled himself in it.

Me and Jungkook shared a look and then we both released pheromones at the same time that helped to calm the baby in kook's arms.

"Appa must be waiting. We should find his mother to hand him over" kook says now patting the baby on his back.

I nod.

But before we could do anything. A maid came to us and bowed, mumbling multiple apologies in one breath. She was huffing due to the hurried walk she must have done.

"I am so sorry Alpha" she said to Kook. "He must have bothered you. I didn't realize when he escaped from the room. He was being stubborn about having medicines" she extended her arms out to take her baby from Kook.

Jungkook smiled, handing the pup to her, who went back to his mother happily, babbling something, me and Kook were unable to understand. "no worries noona. He is a sweet baby" Kook says affectionately looking at the little boy.

"You would make such a great father, Alpha" she said in gratitude and cradled the pup close to her before leaving...

Anaware of the fact how her simple statement affected me...

My heart just got ripped.

Not for myself.

For him.

For the injustice I am doing to him..

I hate the feeling I'm experiencing right now. It's like all my worries and fears have been bound together in a tight ball and that ball is bouncing around inside of me, pounding against my heart, my lungs, my gut, my throat, everything inside of me.

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