Chapter:34 (M)

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Author's note:

My winter vacation got extended.

So yayyy!!

Here I am with new chapter.
Guys please forgive me. I can't write proper smut. I already told ya.

But I tried my best to make it as less cringe as possible.

I don't know if you will even call it smut.. maybe it's not.

But I still hope you enjoy♡

Comment please to tell me. This chapter was so hard to write.

For nirzaara why you don't comment anymore :(

Taehyung's POV:

It's been a week since that arguement with yeri.

Jungkook has told me everything.

About how she had feelings for me from the very start and she is not an orphan. She was brought specifically to become my mate. Kook also told me how she was just trying to manipulate me. Since then Jungkook has been really lovey dovey with tannie too to you know to just gain my sympathy. Because he knows I don't tolerate lies. Oh Did I mention we already named our puppy? Yeontan. But I call him Tannie.

Jungkook laughed alot about the fact that I should rather name him tannie rather than giving him another name only to never call him by that..
but I said it's important to keep real and nicknames separated.

Kook brought me flowers too in case I am mad at him about that Yeri issue. Honestly I was little shocked because mama and kook never kept anything from me. But I understand, mama forced Kook and she too didn't had any bad intention. So it's fine I guess..

Healthy relationships don't always feel like 'fairy tales'. There will always be ups and downs. They are built with uncomfortable conversations, emotional vulnerability, and grace for each other. Healthy relationships take work and willingness to step outside of our ego.

I want our relationship to be healthy.
I want the cracks in our relationship to be filled by the love, we both will pour into them.

Though there's one crack, I know we both can feel it but no matter how much we try to fill it up. It just doesn't fade..

Maybe because that crack is not in our relationship but in me only.

Kook has never made me think like that, not even once that the crack is in me.. he always reminds that we both are sacrificing.. not him only.

But I am not an idiot.

He is the true blood.
He is the head alpha.

As his mate, it's my duty to give him pups.

As the Luna, it's my duty to give pack
a heir.

But I have made up my mind. I won't push him away. Ever.

There are two solutions really;

Either for him to give up on his position.

Or to get a surrogate. FOR HIMSELF.

And I can't decide which of them I hate more.. definitely 2nd one.

A bigger problem is how Jungkook takes everything lightly. Whenever I try to talk to him. He shrugs off the matter like it's nothing. He shuts me up everytime. No with not his words. Cuz I am better than that.

With. His. Lips.

Yeah you heard that right..

That shithead bunny kisses me everytime I am being serious about something. The Audacity of him..

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