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Author's note:
Guys keep in mind that the dream Tae is having is few days later from his miscarriage. Jungkook's parents have already arrived. I just haven't showed their encounter. Which I soon will.

Second thing is, Tae and Kook both used to call Tae's mother, Eomma and they always have called Kook's mother, Mama.


Taehyung's POV:

"But how eomma?" I am asking in desparation.

"You will know Tae. You will know" her voice comes again. Even gentler than before.

I shake my head. I need to know. Right. Now.

"No Eomma-"

But before my plea can be answered, everything vanishes around me.. previous darkness enveloping me once again. Leaving me alone.

Just when my heart was beginning to ache for being left unanswered, for being left alone.

I hear his voice..

The light to my dark.

The one who is my saviour.

The one who is my lover.

"Honey?" His voice melts into my ears.

I open my eyes. To let the softness of his gaze and deepness of his love take me away from here. My grief.

He is staring at me. Half lying on top of me but still careful to not put his weight on me. His eyes are concerned. Face morphed into worry.

His fingertips meet my cheekbone. The touch so soft, so light I hardly feel it yet somehow it still manages to leave me breathless.

"I had a dream about eomma." I tell him. His frown deepens. Probably wondering how I am comfortable enough to talk about it. Cuz everytime I get a nightmare. It's always followed by a panic attack. Always.
Since I was 8.

Except this time.
Because It was not the same nightmare that has haunted all my childhood.

In fact it was not a nightmare at all.

But I would not call it a pleasant dream either...

You may wonder why I am so desparate for it? I knew from the day I came to my senses that I am not meant to be a mother. So why?
The answer maybe.. because I am myself an orphan and I have this urge deep inside me to have my own pups.

Or maybe because I have always found motherhood beautiful and I want to experience it myself.

Or Maybe now that I know I CAN become a mother, this urge has increased tenfolds.

Or Maybe because I want to see the love of my life, become a father

Or maybe I am just selfish and,
I want to have everything.

Love. Family.

I have always dreamed of both of them.

"Are you okay?" he asks, his hand now lightly massaging my forehead. Cuz he can sense I have light headache.

As soon as his hand makes contact with my head,

The pain is gone..

Not even gradually. Immediately.

I remember the night I couldn't breath but once I inhaled his scent. I was okay.

In an instant.

Then I remember the day I had placed my hands over his back instinctively, causing his wound to disappear straight away.

Yes your destined mate can help you in healing. It's normal.But the wolf only. Through it's saliva..

And that too is never this unusually and unbelievably fast.

But in case of us, that's not the condition.

Then again we have never seen Two Alphas being fated!? Have we?


He lowers himself a little on me and tucks my hair back.


"Hit me here" I gesture towards my arm.

"But why love?" Now he is genuinely confused.

"Just do it"

He shrugs and lightly pats on my arm. I feel his touch. But not pain. It was a slight pat anyway. I need him to hit me harder. I need to confirm if what I am thinking is right.

"For God sake Jungkook-" I take his wrist and make his hand to hit my arm. Forcefully.

I feel nothing.
not even a hint of discomfort.

I think I understand what Eomma meant when the reality slowly sinks into me.

Everything starts making sense.


Author's POV:

It's not like Jungkook can't inflict any pain to Taehyung. He can, but only if he wants. It's just when he is hitting Tae, his mind and body is solely focused on how to prevent Tae from the hurt he may cause... thus making his healing powers to transfer into Tae through the contact. At the same time, Tae's own healing also activates.

Thus the combined healing power of both destined/marked Alphas is so strong it already heals the pain caused by the hit, even before Taehyung's body can register it.

Whatever complication Tae faced in his pregnancy couldn't be overcome by his healing power alone. Thus he lost his baby.

But now...

Now that Tae knows what Jungkook is able to do.

Will Tae be able to have normal pregnancy now?


From next chapter:

"Make love to me. Heal me"

"I am sorry honey, I can't risk it again. I can't see you going through that pain again. Please"


Author's note:


Are you happy with how it's going??

Any questions?


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