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I am sorry guys. Here's a special one for you..

Taehyung's POV:

I cling onto him, every bone, every muscle and every nerve of my body comes undone at his touch as I hold onto him for dear Life.

He presses a single gentle kiss to my head.
"I missed you so fucking much" his voice lowered to an octave or two.

I missed you too. I wanna tell him so bad. I wanna tell him how difficult it is not to run into his arms whenever he is around. How difficult it is to love someone you can't have..

But at the moment his strong arms around me and comforting words against my ears are the only assurance needed..

I know,
I am needy. I am selfish. I am coward.

I can feel his eager eyes on me. He wants to know why I was here, what happened to me.
We are going to be okay. I close my eyes and tell myself. We will get out of here and never talk about today.

Everything is going to be okay.

Until it is not.

I open my eyes and feel the life seeping out of me. The terror of this moment kicks me in the gut until I am out of breath and out of hope, blinking fast and trying to hold myself together.

He is standing right in front of me with his unmistakable red eyes and fangs out, pointed at us.

Jungkook, there's only one thought,he will harm Jungkook.
Jungkook will get hurt. Because of me.

I cannot let the panic come over me. I have to stay strong and I have to protect Jungkook. I cannot let any harm come to him.

'Go back to pack' there was no doubt that he had already saw the glint of fear in my eyes and now he won't ever let go.

He will fight. For me.

'Never' he says so calmly like we are sitting in my room talking over weather and shit.

'Are you mad' I link 'You have never killed a wolf before. You are inexperienced as hell. GO BACK'
Why he does not understand. It's not a joke. The wolf that is standing less then 20 feet distance from us is going to kill him. Us more precisely.

Before I could comprehend what can I do. How my wolf gonna tackle this or how we can run away from here and reach pack as soon as possible.

Jungkook turns around to take a look at the big trouble that awaits us.

He scans the body. Then looks back at me.
'Is he the one who...?'

I can no longer hold back. He sees my demeanor shift at his question.
I take my bottom lip into my teeth. Tears sting my eyes. That filthy true blood is gonna attack us.. I need to shift, I need to fight. But I can do nothing. As if my body is kind of paralyzed. I am too exhausted to even push Jungkook off of me and get up to face my enemy.

But instead a pair of lips come in contact with my eyes, getting wet in the process of kissing my eyelids.
I wonder if I am hallucinating. I wonder if there is no Jungkook on top of me, kissing my eyes like we have all the time in this world.
I wonder if that big bad wolf is killing me slowly and painfully and I'm too numb to feel any pain rather I am imagining the face of the person I want to love the most and desparately want him to love me back just as much..


I could hardly see anything due to the rush of warm water in my eyes. That's when the weight lifted off of me.

I blink a few times to get my vision clear and the sight effortlessly knocks the air out of my lungs.

Jungkook is taking angry steps towards that wolf. In human form.

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