🌹Special Epilogue 2🌹

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Author's POV:

It's almost the middle of night when Hana wakes up coughing. Before Tae can move, Jungkook swings his legs over the side of the bed and walks over to Hana, lifting her up into his arms. From the bed, Tae watches Kook's shape moving back and forth in the darkness.

He sees the outline of Hana's head on his shoulder, the knot of her hands at her Dada's neck, her small feet bouncing by Kook's hip.

After putting Hana, who has a cold, down, Jungkook comes back to bed.

Tae is unusually quiet today.

Kook reaches over and touches his face only to find Tae's cheeks wet.

"Tae," Jungkook whispers.He props himself up on his elbow, looks down at Tae.
"What happened honey?"

"I felt it just now..." the tinge of happiness in his voice said it all

A faint smile glides across Jungkook's mouth along with a tear of gratitude that escaped pass his eyelids and landed on Tae's cheek
He rests his hand over Tae's stomach and his lips over Tae's forehead, closing his eyes to activate his wolf's senses.

And There it is.

Another heartbeat, along with his mate's own.

"I wish our child is just like you in every way" Jungkook says in hushed tone, his right hand now lacing with Tae's.

Tae chuckles through his tears, hand reaching out to caress Kook's face "it's always the first thing you utter after knowing I am pregnant.. why?"

Jungkook tilts his face so he can kiss Tae's palm that was on his cheek.
"..so even when I am gone, the world will find within them all the reasons, I loved you"


They have finished making love now. Jungkook's lying beside Tae, his head on Tae's chest, his arm loosely draped over Tae's tummy.

Most times, Jungkook and Taehyung make love in silence, with controlled, muted passion, fully clothed beneath the blanket as a precaution against interruptions by their children..

Though taegguk, soobin and Euna sleep in their own room.

Hana is not even 4 yet so she sleeps in her parent's room, in the cot.

Some nights soobin too would come to their room, crying, asking to cuddle with Tae.

Thus, they are forever wary of the rustling sheets, the creaking bedsprings.

Jungkook lifts his face, his gaze landing on Tae's face who looks into his eyes and sighs, "Will you always look at me this way?", Tae asks.

"We could be in love for a billion lifetimes and I would still look at you as if for the first time" Jungkook replies instantly.

Tae smiles and wraps his arms around Kook's neck, bringing his head on his chest, draping covers over their heads and cocooning Kook in his embrace.

A minute passes before Tae asks again,
"Even if I get old and wrinkly?"

Kook nods against him, his words coming out muffled "Yep. I'll memorize each of your wrinkle and take them as signs of beautiful and happy years that we spent together. I'll be aging right along with you, my love" he says, "And just in case you need to know I am falling in love with you a little bit more with each passing second of our lives. I don't think there will be a time I would say I have reached the limit of loving you. Cuz the every moment that comes, I love you more than the moment that has come before it"


Taehyung's POV: (time gap of 9 months)

Do you ever realize how badly you are going to miss a moment while you are living it?
Like wow, these are the good days.
I am here
I am happy
I am alive and
I don't want this moment to end.

That's what is happening to me as I sit here amongst my family. Taeggukie, Euna and Jungkook playing around me in their wolf forms. While I can't shift due to my big belly.


I turn around to find Taegguk already shifted(He's quite fast like his father) and glaring at the group of beta soldiera who are from the neighboring pack. They must have mistakenly looked at my direction... wondering how an Alpha can carry pups.
I am pretty used to these stares now. Not all of them are offensive. Some of them are just full of curiosity.

I am known as "Gifted Alpha" around other packs. Perhaps, that's one of the reasons, people are curious as to see me.

But certain bunny faced true bloods of my family have quite a problem with this.

Wasn't one possessive bunny enough in my life? Moon goddess had to give me another?

They bow in apology at me . I nod, mouthing a small "don't mind my boy". They all smile, walking off.

"Ggukie" I call taegguk. "I have told you many times to be respectful to others. Haven't I?"

"But my Taetae...." he whines, walking over to me now. Stomping his feet on his way. He exchanges a look with his father after which Jungkook too shifts,

"But they were ogling at you Honey"
Here comes the other bunny to rescue.

"Dada's right " Euna agrees.

When did she shift?

"Don't you all dare to take his side on wrong matters" I scoff. "He's the future Leader of this pack. It's not the behaviour he should adopt right?" I say, my tone turning harsher with each word.

Kook and Euna nod, shrugging defeatedly at Taegguk.

And then they all pout sadly. Three pairs of puppy eyes directed at me.

Ugh that's my weakness. And they know it.

"Okay fine fine.." I slowly..very slowly open my arms, pretending to be still salty "you guys can hug your Taetae now if you all are insisting so much"

All three of my dramatic babies look at each other and shift into their wolf forms at the same time, running over to me.

Maybe it was the affect of three wolves tackling my poor pregnant self that my fifth baby was born the next day...

Maybe it was the affect of three wolves tackling my poor pregnant self that my fifth baby was born the next day

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Author's note: I finally fulfilled the promise of giving taekook 5 kids in my story.

Me and these epilogues?
It's forever kinda thingy.


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