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Author's note:
Please pay attention to what doctor says so that you won't be confused.


Taehyung's POV:

I'm terrified.. he takes my hand and squeezes it "Nothing will happen to you love. I won't let it"

Everything after that runs in a blur.

There are glimpses of things I remember.

A doctor and nurses rushing to me.

Jungkook's hand around mine.

Things I don't want to see like blood and Jungkook's tears..

Words I don't want to hear like miscarriage and mistake.

Words, stuck in my head..playing in a loop.
If we can save only one of them, it's my mate no matter what.

Words Jungkook is saying into the phone, probably to mama and Appa. Probably asking them to come back since we need them here.

Probably telling them he's making the hardest choice of his life right now.

He whispers them because he is thinking I might be asleep but I am not. Part of me is awake, listening to all these horrible things.

I just hope for all of it to be a nightmare.. I hope for all of it to be a fragment of my imagination and not the definite truth of my life.

Jungkook's lips are against my forehead when he whispers my name,


He never calls me with my full name.

I open my eyes to meet his.

His eyes are red.. not that beautiful glowing red eye color of his wolf that I love. It's the bad one. The red you get after crying for so long.

I wonder I will remember this moment everytime I will see his original red eyes..

"What happened?" I ask.

He brushes his hand over my hair, thinks for a moment what to tell me or what to not..

But then he releases his words carefully.

"You had a miscarriage"
He confirms.

His eyes search mine for whatever reaction I might have.

Shock that I can get pregnant?
Grief that I lost my first baby?

My body can't feel anything. It's numb. I know I might be heavily medicated. I put a hand over my stomach, wondering how I missed it?

Doesn't you feel it when you get pregnant?

How long it had been since I got pregnant?

And the biggest question,

How did I get pregnant?

Jungkook takes my face in his hands, tilts it towards himself.

"Say something, love" he pleads.

"Jungkook" I whisper. He nods assuringly.

I know I should be full of anguish and sorrow right now. Not even a lil bit of relief or happiness should find it's way into my soul.. but

I can't help it but find hope.

I feel hope.

"I was pregnant?" I say "I can bear your child? I can?"


"K-kook? Why are you not saying anything?"

I don't know how I'm focusing on the only positive thing about this entire situation,

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