Chapter: 31

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Author's note:

First of All, my story ranks 1st in
"Forbidden Love" Oh. MY. GOD.

All thanks to you my readers!

Secondly, Okay guys don't be disappointed..
2nd gift may or may not be what you guys were hoping for.

You see they just got back together. It will be too unrealistic to be just y'know,

The Letter and then BOOM!
The Mating
The Marriage
No, No, No have patience! Things are not really in place.
Besides there will be no marriage guys it's a werewolf story,

*readers pout in disappointment*

Oh okay okay don't sulk my sweetcheeks. Tell me if you want? I will think about it
*smiles mischievously*


Taehyung's POV:

"Where are you taking me now?"

"For your second gift" he says as he drags me along.

"What is it?" I ask out of sheer curiosity.

"The Taehyung I know,love surprises",
I try not to pout at his answer, but I am basically trailing behind him, he can't see my face, so I push my lip out.

He laughs and by this laugh I can tell he knows I am sulking."That pouty face won't get you anywhere" he says still looking ahead.

Told ya.

He has different laughs for different reactions and it's been one of my favorite things, differentiating them all.

My favorite laugh of him is when he finds something really funny and throws his head back laughing, not caring if he's being loud, clapping his hands simultaneously, his bunny teeth being on full display and his nose scrunched up adorably.

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That laugh makes my heart so full I feel like it would burst out of my chest if I continue looking at him any longer

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That laugh makes my heart so full I feel like it would burst out of my chest if I continue looking at him any longer. I wonder when I will see his this one again.

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