RJ Caswen: Afterparty at Ashlyn's House Pt. 4

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Note: Ricky goes into labor.
*few months later*

Ricky's POV (still)
I was at the final month of my pregnancy as my due date was a few days away.

I went back to school for a couple more weeks after winter break ended, but with the baby coming, EJ and my dad told me I needed some rest. While I was on leave from my job as I stayed at home, I would text any of my friends, especially Big Red, and ask them to bring any homework assignments, so I could keep up with my school work.

I had the house to myself for a while until EJ would come home from work. I looked over at the crib EJ and my dad put together after we arranged enough space for the baby along with some baby clothes, toys, books and other things in the bedroom until EJ and I find a house of our own to live in. This crib almost reminded me of my old crib when I was a baby myself. I just couldn't believe my little one was almost here.

Then I was laying in bed, rubbing my bump after I got some of my homework done. I've felt my baby boy kicking me hard lately and I still do.

"Hey, baby boy. Would you mind taking it easy on me with your kicking, please? You're kind of hurting me," I was talking to the baby inside me.

He gave me a couple more kicks but stronger while rubbing my belly.

"Whoa, look at you go! You really want out of there, do you? Yeah, I know. Just a few more days. To be honest, I wanted this to be over when you come out. But mostly, your daddy and I can't wait to meet you. And your grandpa is excited to meet you, and your aunts and uncles are too."

And then, I heard someone entering the house, assuming it might be EJ.

"Hey babe, I'm home! Where are you at?"

I was right.

"Up here!" I called to him.

EJ came up the stairs and entered the bedroom.



He bent down to give me a kiss and a hug.

"How's our little guy doing in there?" he asked when he put a hand on the bump.

"Good. Although, he's been pretty active with all the moving and kicking in there," I stated.

EJ scooted himself down to talk to the baby.

"Hey there, little man. Daddy's home."

EJ talked to the baby for a moment more while I petted his hair. When he was done, he stood back up.

"Hey, my dad called me a little while ago and said he's going out with Miss Jenn after he gets off work, so it's just us tonight," I said.

"Okay, well I'm gonna get started on making us dinner. I'll be back and let you know when it's ready," EJ informed me.


He pecked a kiss on my forehead and went downstairs to get dinner started.
*half hour later*

Five minutes after EJ left to make dinner for us, I started to feel a little pain in my stomach as I grabbed hold of it with both hands. It went on for a little bit more as I groaned and took some deep breathing to relax. Is it possible that the baby's coming early?

Then I heard EJ coming back upstairs.

"Hey, sorry it's been taking so long. I just need another ten minutes to--"

He stopped talking the second he entered the room to see me in pain.

"You okay?" he rushed to my side where he took my hand and grabbed hold of me.

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now