RJ Caswen: Afterparty at Ashlyn's House: Epilogue

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Notes: The Aftermath and the future.
*a few months later*

The last few months had been quite a crazy ride. For the last few days after we brought Troy home, he would often cry and scream in the middle of the night and one of us had to get out of bed to take care of him for a bit until we'd go back to sleep. And we also would help each other out during diaper changes, while we feed our son a bottle, and play with him, including when Ricky loved playing peek-a-boo and it was the cutest thing I've ever watched.

And while Ricky was at home with our son for the next few weeks as I was working at my job, I'd get home straight from work and then watch Troy while Ricky would do his homework, so he could keep up with his school work. And then, when Ricky was about to go back to school, we were figuring on who would take care of Troy. Mike was usually at work as we had jobs too, but it was until we found a daycare center. Whenever I have a work day, we would leave the house early, so I would drop Troy at the daycare center and then Ricky at school, and whenever I don't, Ricky could drive himself, so I would stay at home often and spend time with my little guy.

And once while I was at home with Troy, my parents came by to see me. My dad told me that a while after I angrily moved out, he had some time to think it over. Then he and my mom apologized for all the terrible words they said to me and my dad finally accepted me for who I am and the fact that I've loved Ricky. I found it in my heart to forgive them and started up our relationship again when we shared a big family hug. Then I introduced my son to his grandparents and they both bonded over him, which I found really sweet.

When Ricky got home from work, he noticed my parents came by and they explained everything about why they came to see me. Then they apologized to him for the nasty things my dad said about him and said that they were happy we've been in a relationship. Ricky forgave my parents, and they stayed for a little while longer as we had dinner until they had to leave to go home after I hugged them goodbye.

Over the last year, me and Ricky were the luckiest guys in the world to be in love with each other and to have a baby together. It was quite a journey for the both of us, and now, today was a special day for Ricky Bowen...
"Richard Bowen!"

It was graduation day at East High. My parents were here with me to support Ricky as they sat with me along with Ricky's parents and Miss Jenn. I was holding my son in my arms as we all watched and cheered for Ricky, who was in his cap and gown, when he heard his name and was going up on the stage and walking across to get his diploma, and I couldn't be more prouder of him than ever. He turned to see me and Troy in the audience. He blew a kiss at me and I blew one back. Troy was smiling so cutely and I raised his little hand to make it look like he was waving at his daddy and he waved back before he got off the stage.

The rest of ceremony went as Nini, Kourtney and Big Red and everyone else was graduating until it was over when the graduates threw their hats up cheerfully. After it was over as everyone was finding one another, me and Troy went to find Ricky until we found him as he saw us from across.

"Look, there's Daddy!" I pointed at Ricky.

I went up to my boyfriend with Troy still in my arms and we embraced into a big family hug. Then Ricky took Troy from me so he could see him.

"Hey bubs! How cool was it to see Daddy graduate from high school, huh?" Ricky asked our 4-month-old who squealed happily.

Ricky was having a moment with our son as he made funny faces and goofy noises at him which he laughed at until he stopped to greet me with a kiss.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Graduate?" I asked.

"I feel so great, because I got both of my handsome boys in my life, my dad's around here somewhere looking for Miss Jenn, my mom came in from Chicago to see me, and you brought your parents here since you guys mended your relationship with each other... I'm just really happy right now."

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