RJ Caswen: Sweethearts Pt. 2

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Summary: Ricky and EJ get through their moments of East High as seniors while their baby is on the way. It's been an incredible journey for them until things unexpectedly happen when graduation day approaches.

Note: There's going to be a small, secretive mention on how I called EJ "Elijah" in my story. To those who are reading or read any other fanfics from before, I totally agree because this name in fanfics I've read before was way better than his actual name, Elton John, from the show. And there are going to be a few mentions of the musicals from around the series they had done while I write out a few different ones.
*eight months later*

Over these last months, Ricky and EJ had gotten through their senior year with the pregnancy and they were about to become fathers at any time now.

A few hours after taking a test to find out he was pregnant, Ricky and EJ were finding a way to tell Mike the news before he got home from work that evening. At dinner, Ricky and EJ both got the courage to tell Mike about Ricky's pregnancy and explained on when he took the test after throwing up for the last few days. Then Mike was worried for his son since after everything that happened between him and Lynne when they got divorced and she stopped talking to Ricky after he came out bi. Mike feared on what Ricky's future would hold him, because he didn't want him to go through the same stuff he had been there before. But EJ told his future father-in-law that he promised he would take extra good care of Ricky, and they would come up with a plan on how to raise the baby. After talking about the plan, Mike was satisfied about how EJ stayed by Ricky's side since the day they became best friends as little kids, and he became blessed when he started to look forward on becoming a grandfather.

About a week later, Ricky and EJ went to the doctors for an ultrasound, and it proved that Ricky was really, in fact, pregnant. Afterwards, they kept the photo of the tiny miracle growing inside Ricky's stomach. They later told Miss Jenn when the three were having a private chat in her office when Ricky was explaining why he was going to manage to keep up with rehearsals for the fall's musical but he was going to quit the theater by next semester. Then Ricky and EJ asked Miss Jenn to keep it a secret until they were ready to tell the theater group. By the time Ricky was around eight weeks, he and EJ were at rehearsals one day, they finally made the announcement to their friends when they held up the next ultrasound they had, and everyone was over the moon for the two. And then, Ricky made this emotional announcement that he was going to quit theater by next semester so he could focus on the baby as EJ would be there to help, but Ricky told everyone how super grateful and appreciative he was to be a part of something special and to have such amazing friends, and he would continue cheering them on. It brought some of the group to tears as they were going to miss Ricky and it would not be the same without him.

Ricky and EJ were able to keep up with the doctors appointments to see how well Ricky was doing with the baby as they approached to the end of the first trimester. For the rest of the first semester, Ricky kept with his classes and was willing to get some of his work done. And he was willing to make it to rehearsals, but if he would ever miss a day because of his appointment or a shift at his job, he would still manage time to rehearse. Like either EJ helped him as they ran lines together at home, or Ricky was scheduled for a private dance session with Carlos and Gina choreographing when the room was empty, and Kourtney would help make some adjustments on his costume because of his baby bump growing out, however it was tiny at the time.

By opening night, Ricky gave everyone cards with nice thoughts, like how Nini used to do that when she was around, and he was glad to have learned it from her. Before he was to go on stage, Ricky had a little anxiety, because he thought the audience would notice his baby bump underneath his costume when he was trying to make sure it was hidden, but EJ gave him a pep talk that he could do this and not let anyone with negativity get into his head. Opening night had succeeded and Ricky had built up his confidence in himself and for his role. And no one, not even one person in the audience, could have possibly seen his baby bump. He could not have done it without the love, support and courage, even from his dad, his teacher, all his friends, and most of all, the love of his life who had been the reason for his bravery. And it was his final time in the drama department of the whole school for the rest of his senior year.

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