RJ Caswen: I'll Stand by You Pt. 1

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Note: EJ comforts Ricky and they both figure out a plan, and how they told their parents and friends.
Author's POV
Ricky had an ultrasound on his stomach and saw how tiny the baby was on the screen as EJ watched it. Moments later, the doctor gave them some privacy so they could have a talk. Ricky had a terrified look on his face as he looked at EJ who was just as shocked as ever.

"EJ, I... I didn't know this was gonna happen. What are going to do?"

EJ was silent while he was still in shock. Then Ricky was about to start crying.

"EJ, please say something. I don't know what to do. I can't do this alone. Please, I need you. If you still love me, please say you'll help me. But if you break up with me, I swear to god, I will never forgive you for th--!"

EJ cut Ricky off from as he wrapped his arms around him and formed them into a hug. Ricky, with tears staining from his eyes to his cheeks, he was confused but decided to hug back. He really needed it anyway.

"I'm not gonna break up with you, Ricky. I love you. I'm not going anywhere," EJ whispered.

EJ comforted his boyfriend who cried on his shoulder. About five minutes later, they released each other from the hug. Ricky wiped the tears off his face and took a deep breath to relax himself.

"Better?" EJ asked.

"Yeah," Ricky nodded.

Instead of looking at EJ, Ricky faced down.

"What do you wanna do about the baby?" EJ asked.

Then Ricky looked back up at EJ.

"I... I don't know. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do, because I've never been a pregnant guy before, EJ. I honestly didn't think it could be possible. But when I looked up on transgender pregnancy and read the details about it, I was afraid about what would happen if that could ever be me one day. And now, it did, and I'm freaking out about this. That means we're gonna have to tell our families and friends about it, but I'm very concerned they will be pissed at us once we tell them, and they won't accept me for being a pregnant boy. And then I'm gonna be facing the whole school with a fat, rounded stomach growing and sticking out in front of my body, and people are going to notice!" Ricky was panicking.

"Hey, hey, shh. It's gonna be okay, Ricky," EJ soothed him. "We're gonna need to figure out on how to break it to our parents and friends very gently, and I'm gonna make sure you're safe with me from others."

"But what about Phillips? You have hated him now ever since he got kicked off the water polo team because of how you always have been protective of me and so do your teammates after they acted like jerks along with him but had a change of their hearts when they apologized to me. But things are going to get possibly worse, because if he's still around, he's gonna make fun of me a lot more like how he's done it before while they made fun of me for being trans."

"I won't let Phillips get to you, even if we have to face the entire school because of our relationship. And no matter what happens, I'm gonna be right next to you throughout every step we take."

"You promise?" Ricky asked.

"I promise," EJ swore.

Ricky was feeling as scared as ever while he was putting a hand on his flat stomach and he looked down at it.

"I can't believe this is really happening. I don't even know what to do about the baby," Ricky said.

"You don't have to decide right now. We'll figure stuff out," EJ told him.

"But EJ, if we would want to keep the baby, do you think I can do this?" Ricky questioned about himself.

"Ricky, of course you can. I get that you're scared when you think your body might not handle it, but I know you can do this. Because I believe in you. I'll always believe in you," EJ was being supportive.

EJ leaned onto Ricky and sealed a kiss on him and then they touched foreheads.

"Thank you for being so amazing whenever I get discouraged about something uncertain. I feel lucky to have found someone who accepts me for being who I am and who I always have been. I love you," Ricky said.

"I love you too," EJ told him.

Then they went in for a hug.
*how everyone react*

(I'm actually gonna make a list of reactions from people instead of writing it all out, just so I keep this chapter short and simple)

After thinking about it, Ricky told EJ he decided to keep the baby. And they had the people who cared for them, except for a couple of people, of course.

- After the doctors appointment where Ricky found out he was pregnant, EJ drove him home. When they went inside Ricky's house, Ricky and EJ found Mike in the living room. When Mike asked his son about what happened at the appointment, Ricky and EJ were scared but they had to tell him. The moment Ricky explained to his father that he was pregnant, Mike was very mad and Ricky tried to apologize for what happened. He told him he needed to get an abortion, but Ricky argued with his dad when he refused to do something like that, because he wouldn't want to kill the baby. So Mike, in anger, kicked him out of the house, and it struck Ricky in his heart. Ricky sobbed as he packed his stuff and EJ was comforted him a bit before helping him carry his stuff out to the car. It was a very heartbreaking moment for a father shaming his pregnant son when the news didn't go well. Then Ricky got an angry text message from his mother, Lynne, and she told him his father told her about what happened and she wasn't as pleased to know about it. So there it was, Ricky didn't have a mother or a father for support anymore.

- When they got to EJ's house, EJ explained to his parents on how Ricky got pregnant but got kicked out of his home by his father. The Caswell parents felt really bad about Ricky going through the pain, and they told him that he was more than welcome to stay in their home. While having dinner later that night, Mr. and Mrs. Caswell asked the boys about how they were going to raise the baby together, and Ricky and EJ said they were going to come up with a plan, which meant EJ was going to have to quit the water polo team if he needed to keep his school work in balance while working at a job. As they were going to bed, EJ insisted Ricky for him to sleep in the same bedroom as him since his room was a bit bigger.

- The next day when they got to school, Ricky and EJ were approached by Big Red and Ashlyn after Ricky called his best friend and EJ did the same with his cousin perspectively about what happened that night. Big Red and Ashlyn gave the boys hugs and gave Ricky their condolences about being kicked out of his house by his dad. Then Big Red and Ashlyn told Ricky and EJ they were here to help them with whatever they need. A few weeks later, Ricky and EJ told Gina, Kourtney, Carlos and Seb after they had their suspicions on how Ricky kept getting morning sickness, and they were feeling worried for Ricky about how he could get bullied all over again after what Cameron Phillips did to him. Luckily, Ricky and EJ had all their friends on their side, because their baby would love to have a bunch of fun aunts and uncles. As a bonus, Nini surprised Ricky when she came home to Salt Lake from recording her music in L.A. for a little while. Ricky and Nini were getting caught up as Nini almost couldn't stop talking about how her music had been going so great as she was about to get a second album the year after her first was released. Then Ricky told her about the pregnancy and other details, and she was excited for him.

And so, a Caswen baby journey has already begun.

To be continued...
Okay, that was part 1! But will Ricky and EJ make it through their senior year with the baby along the way?

Part 2 coming soon!

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