RJ Caswen: Afterparty at Ashlyn's House Pt. 5

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Notes: Ricky gives birth, Ricky and EJ think of a name, and everyone meets the baby,
*a while later*

Ricky's POV (still)
This had been going for a while and it's been so exhausting. I tried to get some rest, but I've been in an uncomfortable position all due to the pain I've been feeling inside my stomach. Every time I've felt a contraction, EJ was there to help me through.

I was at nine centimeters after Dr. Fieldstein informed me, and I was feeling terrified.

"You okay?" EJ asked me.

"Y-yeah, I uh, I'm fine," I said in a nervous tone.

EJ could tell I was lying, I wasn't okay.

"Hey, it's okay for you to tell me if you're scared. You don't have to tell me you're okay if you're not."

"Okay, I admit it, I'm not okay. I'm..."

I paused for a second as I was about to cry.

"I'm scared, EJ," I felt my voice breaking before I continued talking.

"Before it all happened, I've never been or gotten pregnant. Even though, I thought it was impossible for me or a boy to get pregnant. But this has been a difficult experience that ever happened to me. Whenever I was at school, everyone would look at my bump, thinking I looked like a freak while the only people who matter and that we care about don't find me that way. And now, here I am about to give birth. What if I'm not ready for this? What if I can't do this? What if I'm not ready to be a dad? What if we are not ready to be dads? I feel like my body's not ready for this--"

EJ cut me off when he cupped my face with both hands and kissed me for a long moment until he pulled away from me and we touched foreheads.

"I'm scared too, and I'm concerned about what people have thought of you as a freak, but you're still perfect just the way you are. We are ready for this. I've never felt this ready, but now I am. We'll be great dads to our special little boy once he's in our arms. You can do this, Ricky. I love you. I love you too much to let you go and I know we can make it through together," EJ told me with tears in his eyes.

I gave a smile to him.

"I love you too," I said it back.

We went for another kiss and he wrapped his arms around me as he was holding me in comfort. We were almost there, and we were about to meet our son.
*an hour later*

I was at ten centimeters, which meant I was about to witness the big moment.

"Okay Ricky, when you feel a contraction, I need you to push," Dr. Fieldstein instructed me.

EJ took my hand and I squeezed it real hard.

"You got this, baby," EJ whispered to me and I nodded.

I started to feel a contraction as I was about to get ready.

"Okay, deep breath..." Dr. Fieldstein started off.

I took a deep breath.

"... and push!"

I started to push as I bared down. Dr. Fieldstein was counting through the first push until I breathed out when it was over.

"Good Ricky, you're doing great," Dr. Fieldstein complimented.

And we went on with the next few pushes. It was the hardest thing I had to do and it was going to be a while, but I was still hoping to get this baby out in no time.
*another hour later*

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now