Jatt: Water Birth

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Summary: Josh goes into labor while Matt is out walking his dog, Kota. Josh and Matt have a water birth at home as Sofia is there to help.

(Previously written from a deleted story)
Josh and Matt had been dating for about a few years, and then they had found out Josh was pregnant and was about a month along, but did not think it was possible. They were both scared about it, but they decided to keep the baby after talking it over. They then explained to their families and friends about it in between, and they were all confused at first but then excited for the both of them as they were about to become fathers. When Josh was at five months, he and Matt were expecting a baby boy, because since Josh had five sisters, he had always wanted to have a son as Matt wanted the same thing.

Josh and Matt had so much to prepare before their son would arrive, and they planned to have a home birth due to the fact that Josh really hated hospitals after what he had experienced from before. And they wanted their friend, Sofia, to help during the birth after they asked her to be the doula and became thankful after she agreed to do that. After eight months, Josh was having a frightening thought on giving birth, especially as he was at 9 months of his pregnancy and was due anytime this month. But Matt was so encouraging as he told Josh he was going to be right next to him during the moment as they were going to witness it. Josh was lucky to have a supportive boyfriend.
It was a beautiful Saturday morning as Josh had awaken in a soft groan as he slowly moved himself up while he was still in bed. Although, it was hard for him to get up with a big, rounded belly he ever had, and he had a feeling he was going to pop at any moment. He had not slept as much, because of how much the baby had been kicking as he felt it in his stomach where his hand would usually around at. Then a smell of food was in the air as Josh sniffed his nose for it.

So, he got himself out of bed and waddled out of the bedroom to go downstairs. And when Josh got to the kitchen, he saw Matt cooking breakfast. Ever since Josh got pregnant, Matt would often surprise him with a delicious breakfast in bed. However, Josh couldn't keep his food down in him during his first few months of pregnancy because of the morning sickness he had until it passed on, and since then, he was eating better.

"Morning, baby," Josh greeted his boyfriend with a yawn.

Matt turned his head to see Josh.

"Hey babe, what are you doing down here? I thought you'd still be asleep, so I could serve you breakfast like I usually do ever since I got you pregnant," Matt said.

"It's been so sweet of you, but you don't have to keep doing this now that our son's gonna be here soon," Josh told him as he was sitting himself down at the table.

"I know, but I'd do anything for the man who's carrying my child," Matt said sweetly.

"Thanks, honey. It's always nice to get a good meal in the morning. I hardly got any more sleep because the kid's been kicking me like crazy. And honestly, I've been dying to have a cup of coffee as right now, because I haven't had any for the last eight months because of the pregnancy, and I still can't," Josh complained in the rest of his sentence.

Matt brought a couple plates filled with food over to the table and set one down in front of Josh before sitting down next to him.

"I'm sorry, baby. I know it sucks like how it has been, but at least you should be happy that it's almost over, and we'll have our sweet little boy in our arms. And I'll get you all the coffee you want," Matt said while rubbing Josh's bump.

(Interesting piece of trivia: I read something on the internet about how Matt is not a fan of the taste of coffee, but he likes the smell of it)

"You promise?" Josh asked.

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