RJ Caswen: Prom Night, Baby! Pt. 4

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They arrived at the hospital as EJ and Mike helped Ricky out of the car and walked him to the entrance with everyone else following them behind after they got out of their limo. Ricky's water had already broken during the car ride to the hospital, and EJ sat next to him in the backseat to remind him to breathe. The moment they got inside, Mike informed the receptionist about his son being in labor, and the receptionist asked one of the nurses for assistance by bringing a wheelchair to Ricky. Before Ricky was being wheeled away by the nurse with EJ and Mike following, EJ asked Ashlyn come with them since he asked her to be the godmother, which Ricky would love to have her for after talking about it. As a bonus, Ricky and EJ had also asked Big Red to be the godfather, even while he and Ashlyn were not a couple anymore after they broke up, and he agreed on that. However, it was for the best for him to stay back with the rest in the waiting area since he still couldn't handle with blood and other gross things (Luckily, Andy was there to give him comfort by telling him not to think of any of that stuff).

Ricky was taken to his hospital room where he got settled in. EJ and Ashlyn helped him change into his hospital gown while Mike planned to go home and get some more sleep but promised to be back to meet his grandson. Over those hours, Ricky had felt every contraction, but EJ and Ashlyn would be there to remind him to breathe. He even squeezed their hands, each or both, but he really had a tight grip. Ricky tried to do the things to keep him relax, but a couple of them did not seem to help him. Ashlyn would wipe the sweat off from his forehead with a cold wet cloth, and EJ would give him some liquids and ice chips to keep him hydrated.

Meanwhile back in the waiting area, the group were feeling worried about the pain Ricky had been in, but stayed positive that he was going to be okay. They were talking about what the baby boy would be like, either like Ricky or EJ or even a little of both, and they were also placing on bets about what the name was going to be. Even Carlos bet that Ricky and EJ might name their son after Zac Efron, and a few of the others sided with him on that, but Seb told his boyfriend that he highly doubted it would ever happen.

Back in the hospital room, after a while, Ricky was finally ready to push.
*the birth*

EJ and Ashlyn each took Ricky's hands and he squeezed them really hard as they were getting ready for the biggest moment.

"Okay Ricky, when you feel the next contraction, I need for you to push. I'll help you as I count, okay?" The doctor instructed.

Ricky let out a breath and nodded, though he felt terrified. Then he took a deep breath before he felt another contraction.

"And push!" the doctor commanded.

Ricky started pushing and the doctor counted for how long he pushed until he stopped for a moment to catch a breath.

"Good. We're gonna try this again, okay?"

"Okay," Ricky whimpered.

And the same thing went on for next few pushes every time Ricky felt a contraction. He had tried so hard and almost gave up whenever he got tired.

"I can't push anymore, guys. I'm too tired," Ricky panted.

"Yes you can, Ricky. We know it hurts, but you wanna meet your kid, don't you?" Ashlyn dried the sweat off of him.

"Yes, so bad," Ricky said.

"Come on, Ri. Don't give up yet. Do it for our son," EJ encouraged him.

Our son, Ricky thought.

"Okay, are you ready to try again?" the doctor said.

"Yeah," Ricky nodded.

"You got this, baby," EJ whispered.

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now