RJ Caswen: I'll Stand by You: Epilogue (EJ's POV)

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Summary: EJ becomes a single father to his little girl and copes through his life since Ricky's death.

Note: The aftermath.
*three weeks later*

It's been three weeks since I've became a father after Ricky died from giving birth, and I was still very sad about it. Being a parent can be very exhausting sometimes, especially when you're a single parent, which Ashlyn did make a very fair point about, but I've been staying focused on caring and loving for my daughter. Luckily, I've gotten as much help as I ever needed from my family and friends.

The moment I took Michaela home from the hospital with Ashlyn and Nini at my side, I wanted to be happy. But I wasn't because I was in grief. Everyone was at my house, and they were excited about meeting my daughter but also heartbroken that Ricky wasn't there to be a part of the moment. My parents were the first ones to hold Michaela, and then Ricky's parents. Mike was very touched about how Ricky and I came up with the name after him. And then the rest had their turns besides Nini and Ashlyn. Gina was first, and then on with Big Red, Kourtney, Carlos and Seb. Everybody stayed a little longer as we were sharing stories about Ricky, mostly like happy ones, and it kind of started to make me feel better. Even though, Big Red mentioned that he was in love with Ricky after he told him and Nini he was trans, but was heartbroken they weren't getting together. I wasn't as surprised about it, but I wasn't mad at Big Red for that. It was only way back before I met Ricky.

A week later, we had a funeral for Ricky after I made an arrangement with help from my parents and Mike and Lynne as we sorted some things out. It was the final time I ever got to see Ricky's face when his dead body was laying in a coffin. I looked at the promise ring on his hand, and I had a promise I've kept and that I didn't want to break but knew it was never going to happen then. It was going to be a lot more difficult to move on with my life. I couldn't even imagine my life without him, including our future we were going to have together along with our daughter. I was the first to speak with a eulogy I prepared, expressing my love for Ricky and that would always be with me.

A few days later, graduation day approached. Ricky and I were supposed to do that together, and yet, we weren't going to be able to share this day when he wasn't there. But I needed to be brave for not just for him, but for also my daughter and my loved ones as I kept my head held high. The second I received my diploma, the next I looked over at the crowd with proud faces, and I had a feeling that Ricky was there to cheer me on. After the ceremony was over, my parents were holding Michaela. She was smiley as I went to her and took her from my mom's arms. Then Mike approached to me, and I told him that I wish Ricky was there. He proudly told me that he was there. With me, and with the rest us, but in spirit, which felt good for it to be true.

The next day after the graduation, I was taking a walk in town with Michaela in her stroller until I ran into my old childhood friend, Maddox and her younger brother, Jet, and the three of us caught up on how we were doing on each other's lives. It was so nice to see them and they were at an awe to see how cute my daughter was. They had been worried when they checked to see how I was holding up upon Ricky's death, and they even offered the extra help I could need to take care of Michaela the next time I'd see them again, which I was very thankful for that.

Instead of going to NYU this fall, I gave up my shot at it after I talked to my parents about how I was going to focus on Michaela. I was going to apply to a college around Salt Lake instead, because I decided stay and figure out a new plan. I had found myself a job at a grocery store and started to work there. While I was at it, I would often ask one of my friends to babysit Michaela. And sometimes Mike, and Lynne whenever she would come for a visit usually to check up on how I've been holding up with the baby. I wanted to ask my parents for the same thing, but they're busy as always.

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