RJ Caswen: A Cruise For an Anniversary

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Summary: Ricky and EJ have been married for almost two years, and with their wedding anniversary coming up, EJ surprises Ricky early with tickets to a cruise to the Caribbean. During their anniversary cruise, Ricky gets a little sick and he does not know why, which worries EJ. When they go see a doctor, they get a little surprise.
Ricky and EJ Caswen have been married for almost two years.

They have been living in Los Angeles for a while since they graduated from East High in Salt Lake City, and after graduating from college, they lived their careers: Ricky went on being a recording artist with writing his own songs, debuting his albums, selling out concerts during his tours, and winning several music awards. And EJ went on succeeding as an actor by starting out from being a college theater actor, to getting small tv roles, to getting his first big movie role, and so on as he got the best out of himself and winning awards for his best roles, including an Oscar.

In between times, Ricky and EJ have always been supportive of each other throughout their whole relationship. A few years after achieving their dreams, they bought a really big nice house, they adopted a couple of dogs named Angel and Cooper, and one night at the end of Ricky's last concert of his tour in L.A., EJ proposed to him on stage, and Ricky accepted. A year and a half later, Ricky and EJ got married. On the times back while they were dating and even before they got married, Ricky and EJ talked about what would it be like if they had kids, and they would figure this out on when would be a great time to start a family if they weren't too busy with their jobs.

And now, Ricky and EJ were planning on taking some time off since their 2-year wedding anniversary coming up, and EJ had a surprise for Ricky.
*the Caswen household*

It was a Friday afternoon as Ricky was entering in the house after he spent all day at the recording studio, working on a new song for his next album. Angel and Cooper got all excited as they wagged their tails and rushed up to their dog dad.

"Angel! Cooper! Hey guys!" Ricky greeted his pets.

Cooper and Angel jumped up onto Ricky and he fell to the floor.

"Whoa, hey! Easy there, doggies."

The dogs licked Ricky all over his face and he laughed before he got himself up and started petting their heads.

"Aww, did you guys miss me? Did you?" he cooed.

"Angel? Cooper?"

The voice came from EJ as he was calling the dogs.

"Where'd you guys go?" EJ was coming from the halls.

"We're over here, EJ," Ricky called back.

EJ entered in and approached the living room area, and he saw Ricky with the dogs and smiled.

"There you guys are! Aw, are you saying 'hi' to daddy?" EJ was at an awe for the dogs with Ricky.

"They sure are," Ricky answered for their pets.

Then Angel and Cooper started to wander off after greeting Ricky. Ricky walked up to see his handsome husband.

"Hi," Ricky said.

"Hey," EJ said.

They shared a loving kiss.

"How did it go at the studio today?" EJ asked.

"Well, so far so good. But my new song needs a little work to make it sound better," Ricky stated.

"Don't worry, Ri. You'll get there eventually. You always do," EJ said sweetly.

"Thanks, Eej. So, what do you wanna do for dinner tonight?"

"Actually, I have something special prepared tonight. You know, in honor of our second-year anniversary," EJ told him.

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