RJ Caswen: Twice the Love We Get (A Valentine's Day Story)

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Summary: A very pregnant Ricky is celebrating Valentine's Day at home with his husband, EJ, but something comes to a surprise when Ricky goes into labor. Well, twice the surprise.
Ricky and EJ Caswen have been married for about a couple years, and they were expecting their first child.

The two boys have been living in Salt Lake City where they grew up in, and in East High, they started out as friends, and then as sweethearts. They were really in love with each other as they stayed together throughout their years in between high school and college. And some time after they graduated college, they both got jobs they had ever wanted. Ricky was working as a music teacher at an elementary school after he got a degree in teaching music to kids, and EJ had a job as a sports journalist since he got the full-time job after he started out as an intern. The Caswens had succeeded so much together, and they couldn't be proud of each other on everything they had done.

Then one day when they were taking a vacation together in Honolulu, Hawaii, EJ asked Ricky to marry him while they were at the beach, which he joyfully agreed. And then, they got married a year later and changed their last names by combining Bowen and Caswell into Caswen. In between times before and after they got married, they would talk about having a family together, which would one of the greatest things to do. And on the day they found out Ricky was pregnant, they couldn't be any happier. They were currently expecting a baby boy, and Ricky was excited as he had always wanted a son. Though, EJ was kind of scared about it, because he was in a rough patch with his dad and they hadn't spoken to each other for quite a while since coming out to him and his mom and talking about his relationship with Ricky. But his husband would tell him that he would not be anything like what happened between him and his father as they were going to love their son no matter what.

Now that Ricky was nine months along as he and EJ were taking some off from work, their baby boy was due at anytime.
Valentine's Day came around, and Ricky did not want to do anything on this day except spend some quality time at home with his husband. It started out when Ricky turned on his side as he was slowly waking up. However, EJ was not next to him in bed. Ricky was confused about why his husband wasn't in bed and where he had gone. So, he was carefully sitting himself up, although it had been difficult for him to do that sometimes due to his baby bump giving him a hard time.

And that was when EJ came into the bedroom with a tray of food.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Careful, Ricky."

EJ set down the tray for a second and went to Ricky.

"Easy there, sweetheart. Here, let me help you up," EJ helped his husband sit up.

He put a couple of pillows to make Ricky comfortable while sitting up.

"There we go. That's better," EJ said.

"Thanks, Eej," Ricky smiled.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my love," EJ smiled.

"Happy Valentine's Day, honey," Ricky said it back.

They shared a kiss for a moment. Then EJ went back to pick up the tray and brought it over to set it in front of Ricky.

"I made this just for you," EJ said sweetly.

Ricky looked down at his plate where there was a pancake in the shape of a heart with syrup all over it, and whipped cream and a strawberry on top, and a glass of orange juice on the top right corner.

"Aw, EJ. You didn't have to do that just for me," Ricky said.

"Yeah, I did. Even though, the heart-shaped pancake is a little sloppy. So, I'm not really good at doing that when I tried my best," EJ told him.

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