RJ Caswen: Love Heals

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Summary: Ricky and EJ wake up in the middle of the night as Ricky experiences something painful in his stomach, and they discover something that turns into a devastating loss.

Title based on the bonus track from the movie adaption of the musical, RENT.
Ricky and EJ have been in a relationship for quite a long time, and they remained together since they were in high school. During their young life, even because of how the school musical they did changed them, they went from being enemies to friends. And some time later, friends to secret lovers. And since that summer, secret lovers to boyfriends. Ricky and EJ found out they were both bisexual as they still like girls but also guys. They came out to their parents, and Ricky's parents took it very well as EJ's took time to think things through until they learned and accepted their son.

After they graduated high school, Ricky and EJ attended college together in California where they also got their first apartment together. Four years later, they graduated. Ricky got a job opportunity of teaching kids at a music school after studying music since he's written his own songs and singing and playing a couple instruments. Meanwhile, EJ had written a couple of his own stories, but he doubted if they would ever be good enough. But Ricky talked to him about doing this and how he should not give up yet, and even if EJ would fail, that wouldn't affect him from trying again until he could get his story published. A couple years later, EJ's book got published and copies were successfully being sold.

Ricky and EJ could not have done their parts of their jobs with the support for each other, and they have been grateful for that everyday. Outside of their jobs, and even back while they were still young, they talked a few times about what it would be for them to have a family someday, and Ricky had found a cute idea of having a little baby around his and EJ's lives, which would make them happy. But there was one tiny detail about having children Ricky had never known before until it was the middle of the one night...
Ricky and EJ were cuddling with each other as they were asleep soundly in their bed. But then, Ricky started wincing and softly moaning when he released himself from EJ and grabbed onto his stomach with one hand. He woke up immediately to see what was going with himself and had a bad feeling for it.

"Eej? EJ!" Ricky shook EJ.

"Huh?" EJ slowly awoken.

Ricky hissed silently and EJ looked over at his boyfriend right away where he was in discomfort as he felt the pain in his stomach.

"What is it, Ri? What's the matter?" EJ questioned worriedly.

"I don't know what's happening to me, but I think something in my stomach is hurting me badly!" Ricky kept holding his stomach while he winced again.

"Is it an appendix?" EJ asked.

"No! I mean... I-I-I don't know! I don't know what this is, but I feel something leaking onto my pants and to the bed right now!" Ricky freaked out.

EJ was confused with what Ricky meant, so they both flipped their sheets over to see what the damage was. And they became shocked the second they saw something red that had leaked out of Ricky and they knew what it was: blood.

"Oh my god, Ricky! You're bleeding!" EJ yelled.

"What are we gonna do, EJ?! I'm scared!" Ricky started crying.

"I've gotta take to a hospital!" EJ said.

"No!" Ricky shook his head.

"Ricky..." EJ tried to speak.

"No, EJ, no! Please, anything but a hospital! I can't go there! I just can't!" Ricky sobbed.

Ricky really hated hospitals, especially when he talked to EJ about the time where he was with his dad, Mike, who died in a hospital bed after he was sick for a while and Ricky had taken care of him. So ever since he had been devastated over losing his father, he was afraid of going to a place like this ever again. EJ started to give Ricky comfort and began to reason with him.

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