Jatt: I Will

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Summary: Josh has trouble sleeping at night as his baby boy has been kicking inside his stomach, so Matt sings a song to settle their son down.

Title based on the song by The Beatles.
Josh and Matt had been together for about three years, almost four, and they were expecting their first child together. They had talked about having a family together during their relationship, and when they found out Josh was pregnant, he and Matt did not think it was possible, but at that point, they couldn't be happier as they were going to be fathers. When they told their families and close friends, including their HSMTMTS costars, they were happy for the couple. Josh and Matt found out their baby was a boy when they wanted their first kid to be a son, and little bit later, Josh had been feeling the baby's movements since he and Matt felt the first kick in his stomach. But lately, Josh's unborn son had been kind of hurting him whenever it would happen.

Now one night, Josh and Matt were asleep in their bed. Well, at least Matt was, meanwhile Josh was feeling some discomfort from his rounded belly, especially while he was seven months on his pregnancy. He tossed and turned as he groaned when he tried to sleep, but it was no use. So, Josh gave up as he awoke and turned on his lamp on his nightstand. He adjusted himself to sit up, and he rubbed his stomach where the baby had been moving so much in there.

"Hey, baby boy. Daddy's trying to sleep, and you should be too. Can you settle down for me, please?" Josh talked to his son.

The unborn gave out a few kicks, which made Josh sigh in defeat.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought," he told himself.

Josh did not know what he should do, so he thought maybe there would be something Matt could do to help. So, Josh was gently shaking Matt awake.

"Matt? Hey, Matt?"

Matt gently moaned in his sleep.

"Matt!" Josh whined as he shook his boyfriend really hard.

Matt slowly turned his body to face Josh and he awoken tiredly as he turned on his lamp.

"Josh, it's 2:30 in the morning. What is it?" Matt questioned as he was sitting up on his side of the bed.

"I can't get any sleep with our son kicking me most of the time. I tried getting him to settle down, but he won't stop, which means I'm starting to lose my sleeping privileges," Josh complained a bit as he rubbed his stomach in small circles.

"Aw, I'm sorry, baby. He's probably doing that, because of how antsy he's gotten when he wants to get out of there," Matt predicted while putting a hand on Josh's stomach.

"Yeah, but how am I suppose to sleep at night if I can't get him to calm down from kicking me and making other movements so much?" Josh asked.

Matt started to think for a moment on how he could help his tiredly pregnant boyfriend sleep peacefully through the rest of the night until he had an idea.

"I know. I could sing to our son something. Maybe that might get him to settle down for the night," Matt thought.

"Do you think this will work?" Josh asked.

"Well, I hope so. Stay right here and hang tight. I'm gonna get my guitar and I'll be right back," Matt said before giving Josh a kiss on the head.

Then Matt left the room for a minute to grab his guitar and then came back a few moments later. When he got back, he sat on the edge of his bed side to make an adjustment on his guitar to his front side, so he would make sure he was facing a pregnant Josh.

"So, what song will you be singing?" Josh questioned.

"Well, I know some Beatles songs I've been practicing on, and I thought of this one because I love you and our son. I know the pregnancy has been hard for you since the beginning, but you know I'd do anything for the man who's carrying my child," Matt said sweetly.

"Aw, thanks babe," Josh smiled.

Matt cleared his throat for a second and positioned his hands on strings as he was ready to sing.

"Okay, here we go."

Then he started strumming the strings to the intro of the song before he began to sing.

Who knows how long I've loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime
If you want me to, I will

For if I ever saw you
I didn't catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same

Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart

And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
You know I will
I will

After the song was over, Josh got a little teary-eyed.

"Oh Matty, that was beautiful," Josh wept a little.

"I'm glad you loved it," Matt said.

Then Josh rubbed his stomach, thinking his unborn son got the message this time.

"I don't think I'm feeling any more kicks. It worked!" Josh said happily.

Matt went to put his guitar aside of the bedroom for the night, and crawled back up into bed. Before getting underneath the blankets, Matt bent down to face in front of Josh's stomach.

"Good night, little buddy. Your daddy and I are looking forward to meeting you soon," Matt whispered to his unborn son.

Then he pressed a kiss on Josh's belly before the two expecting fathers got under their blanket. Matt wrapped his arms around Josh, who now could sleep better, as they cuddled with each other.

"Good night, Josh. I love you," Matt said.

"I love you, Matt," Josh said.

They shared a kiss before they drifted off to sleep. Only a couple more months for the two until they greet their little boy.

Thank you for reading this! Go check out my mini sequel to this story, "Beautiful Boy"!

HSMTMTS: RJ Caswen/Jatt Mpreg Oneshots/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now