RJ Caswen: You Will Always Be My Son

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Summary: Years after Ricki and EJ's son, Julian was born, his thirteenth birthday approaches, and Ricki tell her son a story.

Note: sequel to "I Won't Give Up".

Title based on the song by Anthem Lights.
Julian's POV
My name is Julian Michael Caswell. I'm the son of Ricki and Caswell. You probably have heard my parents's story from before, but I haven't heard of it yet until then.

My parents met in high school and went to college together. My mom currently works as a music teacher, and my dad works as a drama teacher at East High, where he and my mom graduated from there, and they would tell that it was where I would end up studying someday. Then they got married, and years later, I have two little brothers, six-year-old Owen, and then my new baby brother, Jack, whom my parents had a few months ago.

However, there was one thing to that happened to my parents while they were in high school, which I didn't know of yet until on the day of my thirteenth birthday.
Author's POV
Julian's birthday arrived and the day was going well so far.

It started out when Ricki and EJ made their son a special birthday breakfast that morning, and afterwards, Ricki and EJ asked Julian to watch his youngest brother, Jack while they were setting up in the backyard for the party with help from their second son, Owen. Nini, with her husband and daughter, and Gina, with her husband and son, were asked to bring refreshments over to the house before the party would start. Big Red and Ashlyn, who had stayed friends since their breakup, were going to bring over some pizzas from Salt Lake Slices to their favorite nephew's party along with Ashlyn's wife, Maddox, and Big Red's fiance, Andy. Ricki and EJ's other friends, Kourtney, Seb, Carlos, Jet and Emmy were coming over with some of their kids after Julian asked his parents to invite them since he loved all of his aunts and uncles and cousins. And lastly, Ricki and EJ asked their parents, Mike, Lynne, Cash and Mrs. Caswell to come by earlier before the party and to bring over the cake they ordered from the bakery.

A few nights ago, Ricki and EJ had the talk on how to tell Julian about how they had him at a young age, and they had something planned. So, Ricki told EJ she was going to talk to Julian and she hoped that he would take the news well.
With the party just a little away from starting, Julian showered up and he was in his bedroom where he was dressing himself casually as he wanted to look his best. And to impress this girl, Alyssa, whom he was going to school with, and he really liked her. He even invited her and a few girls along with some of his friends to his party. He wanted his life as a new teenager to go perfect. But how was that going to work for him?

And then, a knock came to his door.

"It's open," Julian called.

Then Ricki entered in.

"Hi, sweetie," Ricki said.

"Oh, hey Mom. Where are Owen and Jack?" Julian asked.

"Dad's downstairs watching them. Anyways, I wanted to check in on you," Ricki explained.

"How do I look?" Julian asked for an opinion on his outfit.

Ricki observed on her son's clothes for a moment.

"You look great, honey," Ricki complimented.

"You think so? Because I don't wanna look stupid tonight," Julian said.

"Come on now, Julian. You don't look stupid, you look handsome, kind of like how you have the resemblance of your father," Ricki told him.

"Is that what you noticed about Dad before, Mom?" Julian questioned.

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